Clothes,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
교복 kyo-bok
공항패션 kong-hang-pae-syŏn Airport Fashion
가을옷 ka-ŭ-rot autumn wear
단추 tan-chu button
캐시미어 kae-shi-mi-ŏ cashmere
옷장 ot-tchang closet
ot clothes
의류 ŭi-ryu clothing
keop cup
예복 ye-bok dress suit
드레스업 tŭ-re-sŭ-ŏp dressup
더플 코트 duffle coat
패션 pae-syŏn fashion
보세 po-se generic brand
장갑 chang-gap gloves
체조복 che-jo-bok gym uniform
손수건 son-ssu-gŏn handkerchief
옷걸이 ot-kkŏ-ri hanger
행거 haeng-gŏ hanger
밑단 mit-ttan inseam
청바지 chŏng-ba-ji jean
코리아구스 ko-ri-a-gu-sŭ Koreagoose, that imitations of Canada Goose.
부인복 pu-in-bok ladie's wear
숙녀복 sung-nyŏ-bok ladie's wear
긴팔 kin-pal long sleeves
신사복 sin-sa-bok men's suits
상복 sang-bok mourning
옷깃 ot-kkit neck
나일론 na-il-lon nylon
외투 oe-tu overcoat
pŏl pair
파자마 pa-ja-ma pajama
사복 sa-bok plain clothes
폴리에스테르 pol-li-e-sŭ-te-rŭ polyester
폴리우레탄 pol-li-u-re-tan polyurethane
레이온 re-i-on rayon
수선하다 su-sŏn-ha-da repair
복고풍 pok-kko-pung retro
목도리 mok-tto-ri scarf
셔츠 syŏ-chŭ shirt
비단 pi-dan silk
치마 chi-ma skirt
봄옷 po-mot spring wear
여름옷 yŏ-rŭ-mot summer wear
수영복 su-yŏng-bok swimsuit
군복 kun-bok uniform
제복 che-bok uniform
와이셔츠 wa-i-syŏ-chŭ white shirt
The same category :Beauty
Esthetic, Sauna Diet
Cosmetics Clothes
Shoes, bags Miscellaneous goods
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