Bank,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
현금 인출기 hyŏn-gŭ-min-chul-gi ATM (automated teller machine), cash dispenser
잔고 chan-go balance
은행 eun-haeng bank
은행 계좌 ŭn-haeng-gye-jwa bank account
은행원 ŭn-haeng-wŏn bank clerk
이체 i-che bank transfer
저축되다 chŏ-chuk-ttoe-da be saved
지폐 chi-pye bill
해지 hae-ji cancel
체크 카드 che-keu-ka-deu check card
pit debt
예금 yegŭm deposit
외화 예금 oe-hwa-ye-gŭm foreign currency deposit
이자 i-ja interest
저금리 chŏ-gŭm-ni low interest rate
저당 chŏ-dang mortgage
비밀번호 bi-mil-beon-ho password
송금 song-gŭm remittance
해외 송금 hae-oe song-gŭm remittance abroad
금고 kŭm-go safe
대여 금고 tae-yŏ-gŭm-go safe deposit box
저축하다 chŏ-chu-ka-da save
저금 chŏ-gŭm savings
도장 to-jang seal
결제일 kyŏl-tche-il settlement date
계좌 이체 kye-jwa i-che transfer
통장 정리 tong-jang-jŏng-ni update a bankbook
돈을 찾다 to-nŭl chat-tta withdraw cash
출금 chul-gŭm withdrawal
우리은행 u-ri-ŭn-haeng Woori Bank
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