Sports,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Sports(41) Baseball(40) Soccer(32) Golf(41)
Swimming(9) track and field(10) Skiing(4) Volleyball(9)
Combat sports(4) Gymnastics(8) Other sports(26)
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
구속 ku-sok the speed of a pitched ball
삼루수 sam-nu-su third baseman
스루패스 sŭ-ru-p'ae-sŭ through-pass
메치기 me-chi-gi throw
스로잉 sŭ-ro-ing throw-in
송구 song-gu throwing
토스 to-sŭ toss
트랙 track
트레이닝 tŭ-re-i-ning training
훈련 hul-lyeon training
이적 i-jŏk transfer
이적금 i-jŏk-kkŭm transfer fee
트리플보기 tŭ-ri-pŭl-bo-gi triple bogey
도마 to-ma vault
승리 sŭng-ni victory
배구 pae-gu volleyball
준비 체조 chun-bi-che-jo warming up
휘슬 hwi-sŭl whistle
월드컵 wŏl-tŭ-kŏp World Cup
세계 기록 se-gye ki-rok world record
레슬링 re-sŭl-ling wrestling
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