Baseball,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
불방망이 pul-bang-man-gi
추격조 chu-gyŏk-tcho
볼걸 pol-gŏl ballgirl
사사구 sa-sa-gu base on balls and hit by pitch
야구 ya-gu baseball
야구장 ya-gu-jang baseball ground
타구 ta-gu batted ball
포수 po-su catcher
병살 pyŏng-sal double play
병살타 pyŏng-sal-ta double play
자책점 cha-chaek-tchŏm earned run
방어율 pang-ŏ-yul earned run average
시범경기 shi-bŏm-gyŏng-gi exhibition game
일루수 il-lu-su first baseman
파울 pa-ul foul
게임셋 ke-im-set game over
만루홈런 mal-lu-hom-nŏn grand slam
땅볼 ground ball
안타 an-ta hit
타격 ta-gyŏk hitting
좌타자 chwa-ta-ja left‐handed batter
마운드 ma-un-dŭ mound
노히트 게임 no-hi-teu- ke-im no-hit game
노히트 노런 no-hi-tŭ no-rŏn no‐hit, no‐run game
출루율 chul-lu-yul on‐base percentage
퍼팩트게임 peo-paek-teu-ge-im perfect game
대타 tae-ta pinch-hitter
제구력 che-gu-ryŏk pitching control
프로야구 pŭ-ro-ya-gu professional baseball
계투 kye-tu reliever
우익수 u-ik-ssu right fielder
우타자 u-ta-ja right handed batter
돌직구 tol-jik-kku Say straight, say to Admit
셋업맨 se-dŏm-maen setup man
유격수 yu-gyŏk-ssu short stop
타법 tap-pŏp style of batting
시구 shi-gu the first ball
구속 ku-sok the speed of a pitched ball
삼루수 sam-nu-su third baseman
시구식 shi-gu-shik throw the first ball
송구 song-gu throwing
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