Environment & Ecology,word list

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Environment & Ecology
Environment & Ecology
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
자연에너지 cha-yŏn e-nŏ-ji
산성비 san-sŏng-bi acid rain
농약 nong-yak agricultural chemical
대기 오염 tae-gi-o-yŏm air pollution
오염되다 o-yŏm-doe-da be polluted
생물권 saeng-mul-kkwŏn biosphere
소각 so-gak burn up
임계 im-gye critical
생태계 파괴 saeng-tae-gye-pa-goe destruction of the ecosystem
환경 파괴 hwan-gyŏng-pa-goe destruction of the environment
에코 e-ko eco
에코백 e-ko-baek eco-bags
친환경 chin-hwan-gyeong eco-friendly
에콜로지 e-kol-lo-ji ecology
생태계 saeng-tae-gye ecosystem
환경 hwan-gyeong environment
환경 오염 hwan-gyeong-o-yeom environmental pollution
환경 문제 hwan-gyŏng-mun-je environmental problem
멸종 myŏl-tchong extermination
지구 온난화 chi-gu on-nan-hwa global warming
온실 효과 가스 on-shil hyo-gwa ka-sŭ greenhouse effect
온실가스 on-sil-ga-seu greenhouse gas
매립 mae-rip land reclamation
로하스 ro-ha-sŭ LOHAS
해양 오염 hae-yang-o-yŏm marine pollution
자연 파괴 cha-yŏn-pa-goe nature destruction
원자력 발전소 wŏn-ja-ryŏk-pal-tchŏn-so nuclear power station
핵폐기물 haek-pye-gi-mul nuclear waste
오존홀 o-jon-hol ozone hole
오존층 o-jon-cheung ozone layer
공해 kong-hae pollution
오염 o-yeom pollution
방사능 오염 pang-sa-nŭng-o-yŏm radioactive contamination
방사능 pang-sa-nŭng radioactivity
재생지 chae-saeng-ji recycled paper
재생지 chae-saeng-ji recycled paper
재활용 chae-hwa-ryong recycling
절전 chŏl-tchŏn save electricity
간이 포장 ka-ni-po-jang simple packaging
토양 오염 to-yang-o-yeom soil pollution
웜 비즈 wŏm pi-jŭ warm biz
쓰레기 ssŭ-re-gi waste
수질 오염 water pollution
절수 chŏl-ssu water saving
The same category :Nature
Weather and Climate Environment & Ecology
Space Nature
Tree Flowers, grass
Animal Birds
Insect Fish
Resources and Energy Geography and topography
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