Resources and Energy,word list

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Resources and Energy
Resources and Energy
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
자연에너지 cha-yŏn e-nŏ-ji
원전 wŏn-jŏn abbreviation of a nuclear power station
nap accent
알루미늄 al-lu-mi-nyum aluminum
tan charcoal
목탄 mok-tan charcoal
석탄 sŏk-tan coal
tong copper
수정 su-jŏng crystal
다이아몬드 diamond
화석 연료 hwa-sŏng-nyŏl-lyo fossil fuels
땔감 ttael-gam fuel
가스 ka-sŭ gas
지열 chi-yŏl geothermal heat
황금 hwang-geum gold
kŭm gold
흑연 hŭ-gyŏn graphite
고무 ko-mu gum
화력 hwa-ryŏk heating power
중금속 chung-gŭm-sok heavy metal
중유 chung-yu heavy oil
철광석 chŏl-gwang-sŏk Iron ore
석회석 sŏ-koe-sŏk limestone
금속 kŭm-sok metal
광산 kwang-san mine
광물 kwang-mul mineral
천연가스 chŏ-nyŏn-ga-sŭ natural gas
귀금속 kwi-gŭm-sok noble metals
원자력 wŏn-ja-ryŏk nuclear energy
원자력 발전소 wŏn-ja-ryŏk-pal-tchŏn-so nuclear power station
유전 yu-jŏn oilfield
광석 kwang-sŏk ore
석유 sŏ-gyu petroleum
백금 paek-kkŭm platinum
리사이클 ri-sa-i-keul recycle
재생지 chae-saeng-ji recycled paper
자원 cha-wŏn resource
셰일가스 sye-il-ga-seu shale gas
태양 에너지 tae-yang-e-neo-ji solar energy
태양광 tae-yang-gwang sunlight
수력 su-ryŏk water power
풍력 pung-nyŏk wind power
아연 a-yŏn zinc
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Weather and Climate Environment & Ecology
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Resources and Energy Geography and topography
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