Physiological phenomena,word list

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Physiological phenomena
Physiological phenomena
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
sum breath
호흡하다 ho-hŭ-pa-da breathe
심호흡하다 shim-ho-hŭ-pa-da breathe deeply
발기 pal-gi erection
잠을 설치다 cha-mŭl sŏl-chi-da fail to get to sleep
잠이 들다 cha-mi tŭl-da fall asleep
가위에 눌리다 ka-wi-e nul-li-da I meet paralyzed
내분비 nae-bun-bi internal secretion
발이 저리다 pa-ri chŏ-ri-da legs go to sleep
월경 wŏl-gyŏng menses
늦잠을 자다 nŭt-tcha-mŭl cha-da oversleep
생리통 saeng-ni-tong period pains
생리현상 saeng-ni-hyŏn-sang physiological phenomenon
생리 saeng-ni physiology
여드름 yŏ-dŭ-rŭm pimple
대변 tae-byŏn poop
ttong poop
낮잠 natt-cham recess after lunch
분비물 pun-bi-mul secretion
한숨 han-sum sigh
수면 su-myŏn sleep
cham slumber
재채기 chae-chae-gi sneeze
콧물 kon-mul snot
chim spit
ttam sweat
노폐물 no-pye-mul waste
하품 ha-pum yawn
하품하다 ha-pum-ha-da yawn
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