Human Naming,word list

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Human Naming
Human Naming
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
촌사람 chon-sa-ram
절세미인 chŏl-sse-mi-in
삼수생 sam-su-saeng
왕초보 wang-cho-bo Absolute beginner
선조 sŏn-jo ancestor
초보자 cho-bo-ja beginner
책벌레 chaek-ppŏl-le bookworm
소년 so-nyŏn boy
지원자 chi-wŏn-ja candidate
후보자 hu-bo-ja candidate
도전자 to-jŏn-ja challenger
소인 so-in child
자녀분 cha-nyŏ-bun children
측근 chŭk-kkŭn close adviser
예쁜이 ye-ppŭ-ni cutie
따님 tta-nim daughter
벙어리 pŏng-ŏ-ri dumb
외국인 oe-gu-gin foreigner
승부사 sŭng-bu-sa game nurses
범생이 pŏm-saeng-i Geek
미식가 mi-shik-kka gourmet
내빈 nae-bin guest
미소년 mi-so-nyŏn handsome youth
상속자 sang-sok-tcha heritor
노숙자 no-suk-tcha homeless
위선자 wi-sŏn-ja hypocrite
chŏ I
개개인 kae-gae-in individual
일본 사람 il-bon-ssa-ram Japanese
일본인 il-bo-nin Japanese
청소년 chŏng-so-nyŏn juvenile
한국인 han-gu-gin Korean
한국 사람 han-guk-ssa-ram Korean
거짓말쟁이 kŏ-jin-mal-jaeng-i liar
어린아이 eo-rin a-i little child
남자 nam-ja man
멘토 mento Mentor
구두쇠 ku-du-soe miser
복부인 Bok buin Mrs. to perform real estate speculation in full-time
골칫거리 kol-chit-kkŏ-ri nuisance
누나 nu-na older sister
언니 ŏn-ni older sister
애주가 ae-ju-ga one who loves to drink
애연가 ae-yŏn-ga one who loves to smoke
또래 tto-rae peer
장애자 chang-ae-ja physically challenged people
인종차별주의자 in-jong-cha-byeol-ju-ui-ja racists
재수생 chae-su-saeng repeater
미혼자 mi-hon-ja single person
수재민 su-jae-min sufferers
저분 chŏ-bun that man
고인 ko-in the deceased
국회 의사당 ku-koe ŭi-sa-dang The National Assembly
말괄량이 mal-gwal-lyang-i tomboy
낙오자 na-go-ja underdog
똘마니 ttol-ma-ni Underling, henchman, subordinates
위반자 wi-ban-ja violator
저희 chŏ-hi we
자산가 cha-san-ga wealthy person
정보통 chŏng-bo-tong well-informed person
당신 tang-sin you
청년 chŏng-nyŏn young man
젊은이 chŏl-mŭ-ni young men
여동생 yŏ-dong-saeng younger sister
The same category :Human
Family Love, Marrage
Human Naming Relationship
Feeling, Judge Character, Attitude
Dignity & Ability Human Body
Physiological phenomena Appearance
Life & Generation
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