Symbol,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
화살표 hwa-sal-pyo arrow
골뱅이 표시 kol-baeng-i pyo-shi at sign
콜론 kol-lon colon
느낌표 nŭ-kkim-pyo exclamation mark
하이픈 ha-i-pŭn hyphen
괄호 kwar-ho parenthesis
마침표 ma-chim-pyo period
물음표 mu-rŭm-pyo question mark
따옴표 tta-om-pyo quotation marks
당구장 표시 tang-gu-jang-pyo-shi reference mark
syap sharp
슬래시 sŭl-lae-shi slash
가운뎃점 ka-un-de-tchŏm the middle point
The same category :Part of speech
Idiom Collocation
Frequent using four-character Idioms
Proverb Imitative word
Onomatopoeia Sound of animals
Noun Conjunction
Adverb Particle
Interjection Verb
Adjective Symbol
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