"lover" means "애인" in Korean.

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Pronunciation ae-in
meaning lover
"lover" is "애인"(ae-in) in Korean.
Related words
Korean(Pronunciation) Meaning
애인(shou-gai-sha) handicapped person
  • Family
  • Love, Marrage
  • Human Naming
  • Relationship
  • Feeling, Judge
  • Character, Attitude
  • Dignity & Ability
  • Human Body
  • Physiological phenomena
  • Appearance
  • Life & Generation
  • Korean of "Love, Marrage"

  • 청첩장(invitation card)
  • 반하다(fall in love)
  • 금혼식(golden wedding)
  • 발렌타인데이(St. Valentine's Day)
  • 러브(love)
  • 사귀다(date)
  • 작업(pick up (a girl))
  • 미팅(group blind dating)
  • 결혼하다(marry)
  • 국수를 먹다(I'll give the wedding..
  • 키스(kiss)
  • 공처가(henpecked husband)
  • 첫사랑(first love)
  • 어택(attack)
  • 사랑(love)
  • 세컨드(mistress)
  • 만남(meeting)
  • 결혼기념일(wedding anniversary)
  • 이혼(divorce)
  • 그린데이(green day)
  • < more >
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