Mathematics and units,word list

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Mathematics and units
Mathematics and units
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
배럴 pae-rŏl
pyŏng bottle
캐럿 carat
세제곱미터 se-je-gom-mi-tŏ cubic meter
keop cup
pae double
피트 pi-tŭ feet
chŭng floor
인분 in-bun for ~ persons
그램 kŭ-raem gram
헥타르 hek-ta-rŭ hectare
헤르츠 he-rŭ-chŭ hertz
hap hop
마력 ma-ryŏk horse power
인치 in-chi inch
킬로그램 kil-lo-gŭ-raem kilogram
킬로리터 kil-lo-ri-tŏ kiloliter
킬로미터 kil-lo-mi-tŏ kilometer
리터 ri-tŏ liter
여럿 yŏ-rŏt many
마일 ma-il mile
밀리미터 mil-li-mi-tŏ millimeter
해리 hae-ri nautical mile
pŏl pair
무더기 mu-dŏ-gi pile
제곱킬로미터 che-gop-kil-lo-mi-tŏ square kilometer
첫 번째 chŏt-ppŏn-tchae the first
두 번째 tu bŏn-tchae the second
kwŏn ticket
ton ton
부피 pu-pi volume
와트 wa-tŭ watt(w)
wŏn won
야드 ya-dŭ yard
nyŏn year
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