Order,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
먼저 mŏn-jŏ at the first
등급 tŭng-gŭp class
처음에 chŏ-ŭ-me initial
나중 na-jung later
순서 sun-sŏ order
시작 shi-jak start
다섯째 ta-sŏt-tchae the fifth
첫 번째 chŏt-ppŏn-tchae the first
넷째 net-tchae the forth
꼴등 kkol-ttŭng the last
둘째 tul-tchae the second
두 번째 tu bŏn-tchae the second
세 번째 se bŏn-tchae the third
셋째 set-tchae the third
The same category :Basic words
Color Handle & Patterns
Size and shape Mathematics and units
State and Impressions Sense
Currency and money Order
Direction and position Time
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