Season and month,word list

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Season and month
Season and month
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
매년 mae-nyŏn annual
사월 sa-wŏl April
팔월 pa-rwŏl August
월초 wol-cho beginning of the month
연초 yŏn-cho beginning of the year
연시 yŏn-shi beginning of the year
입동 ip-ttong beginning of winter
벚꽃전선 pŏt-kkot-tchŏn-sŏn cherry blossom front
꽃놀이 kkon-no-ri cherry blossom viewing
십이월 shi-bi-wŏl December
초봄 cho-bom early spring
초여름 cho-yŏ-rŭm early summer
초겨울 cho-gyŏ-ul early winter
월말 wŏl-mal end of the month
연말연시 yŏn-mal-lyŏn-shi end of the year and beginning of the year
매월 mae-wŏl every month
매달 mae-dal every month
가을 ka-ŭl fall
이월 i-wŏl February
사계절 sa-gye-jŏl four seasons
반년 pan-nyŏn half a year
반달 ban-dal half moon
소싯적 so-shit-tchŏk in one´s earliest days
일월 i-rwŏl January
유월 yu-wŏl June
김장철 kim-jang-chŏl kimchi-making season
섣달그믐 sŏt-ttal-gŭ-mŭm last day of the year
지난달 chi-nan-dal last month
지난해 chi-nan-hae last year
작년 chang-nyŏn last year
늦가을 late autumn
음력 ŭm-nyŏk lunar calendar
삼월 sa-mwŏl March
오월 o-wŏl May
한여름 han-nyŏ-rŭm middle of summer
한겨울 han-gyŏ-ul midwinter
정월 chŏng-wŏl new year
신년 shin-nyŏn new year
다음 달 ta-ŭm ttal next month
내달 nae-dal next month
내년 nae-nyŏn next year
이듬해 i-dŭm-hae next year
십일월 shi-bi-rwŏl November
시월 shi-wŏl October
장마철 chang-ma-chŏl rainy season
계절 kye-jŏl season
chŏl season
제철 che-chŏl seasonal ingredient
구월 ku-wŏl September
pom spring
봄날 pom-nal spring day
칠석 chil-ssŏk star festival
여름 yŏ-rŭm summer
여름철 yŏ-rŭm-ch'ŏl summer season
하계 ha-gye summer season
하지 ha-ji summer solstice
초순 cho-sun the first ten days of a month
하순 ha-sun the last ten days of a month
중순 chung-sun the middle ten days of a month
지지난달 chi-ji-nan-dal the month before last
재작년 chae-jang-nyŏn the year before last
이번 달 i-bŏn ttal this month
올봄 ol-ppom this spring
올해 or-hae this year
겨울 kyŏ-ul winter
겨울철 kyŏ-ul-chŏl winter season
동지 tong-ji winter solstice
지지난해 chi-ji-nan-hae year before last
연말 yŏn-mal year-end
세월 se-wŏl years
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