Meal,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
맛있게 드세요 ma-shit-kke tŭ-se-yo
챙겨먹다 chaeng-gyŏ-mŏk-tta
식욕 shi-gyok appetite
배가 부르다 pae-ga bu-rŭ-da be full
배가 고프다 pae-ga go-pŭ-da be hungry
도시락 to-shi-rak box lunch
아침 식사 a-chim-shik-ssa breakfast
아침밥 a-chim-ppap breakfast
아점 a-jŏm brunch
식당가 shik-ttang-ga cafeteria street
식사제한 shik-ssa-je-han caloric restriction
맛있어요 ma-shi-ssŏ-yo delicious
배달 pae-dal delivery
후식 hu-shik dessert
밥상 pap-ssang dining table
저녁 식사 chŏ-nyŏk-shik-ssa dinner
외식 oe-shik eat out
식습관 shik-ssŭp-kkwan eating habits
명물 요리 myŏng-mul lyo-ri famous food
음식 ŭm-shik food
식비 shik-ppi food expenses
밥맛이 없다 pam-ma-shi ŏp-tta have no appetite
보양식 po-yang-shik health food
불판 pul-pan hot grill
한우 ha-nu korean beef
롯데리아 rot-tte-ri-a Lotteria
런치 rŏn-chi lunch
런치 세트 rŏn-chi se-tŭ lunch set
점심 식사 chŏm-shim-shik-ssa luncheon
식사 shik-ssa meal
야식 ya-shik midnight snack
유기농식 yu-gi-nong-shik organic food
과식 kwa-shik overeating
입맛이 까다롭다 im-ma-shi kka-da-rop-tta particular about food
음식점 ŭm-shik-tchŏm restaurant
음식을 차리다 ŭm-shi-gŭl cha-ri-da serve
반찬 pan-chan side dish
간식 kan-shik snack
kuk soup
수저 su-jŏ spoon
굶다 kum-tta starve
굶주리다 kum-ju-ri-da starve
폭식 pok-ssik stress eating
요리법 yo-ri-ppŏp the art of cooking
채식 chae-shik vegetarian diet
The same category :Food
Cooking method Food, Ingredients
Kitchen supplies taste
Other cuisine Meal
Restaurant Drink, liquor
Vegetables Fruit
Meat Candy, Suites
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