Drink, liquor,word list

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Drink, liquor
Drink, liquor
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
미숫가루 mi-sut-kka-ru
바나나우유 pa-na-na-u-yu banana milk
맥주 maek-tchu beer
음료 ŭm-nyo beverage
브랜드 커피 pŭ-raen-dŭ kŏ-pi blended coffee
병맥주 pyŏng-maek-tchu bottled beer
양조주 yang-jo-ju brewage
양조장 yang-jo-jang brewery
버블티 pŏ-bŭl-ti bubble tea
메밀차 me-mil-cha buckwheat tea
카페오레 ka-pe-o-re cafe au lait
카페라떼 ka-pe-ra-tte cafe latte
카페모카 ka-pe-mo-ka cafe mocha
캔커피 kaen-kŏ-pi canned coffee
카푸치노 ka-pu-chi-no cappuccino
탄산음료 tan-sa-nŭm-nyo carbonated drink
샴페인 syam-pe-in champagne
유자차 yu-ja-cha citrus tea
칵테일 kak-te-il cocktail
커피 kŏ-pi coffee
코냑 ko-nyak cognac
콜라 kol-la cola
찬물 chan-mul cold water
생맥주 saeng-maek-tchu draft beer
마실 것 ma-shil kkŏt drink
주량 chu-ryang drinking capacity
에스프레소 e-sŭ-pŭ-re-so espresso
과일 주스 kwa-il chu-sŭ fruit juice
과일주 kwa-il-tchu fruit liquor
생강차 saeng-gang-cha ginger tea
매실차 mae-shil-cha green plum tea
녹차 nok-cha green tea
증류주 chŭng-nyu-ju hard liquor
뜨거운 물 ttŭ-gŏ-un-mul hot water
얼음 ŏ-rŭm ice
아이스커피 a-i-sŭ-kŏ-pi iced coffee
아이스티 a-i-sŭ-ti iced tea
인스턴트커피 in-sŭ-tŏn-tŭ kŏ-pi instant coffee
주스 chu-sŭ juice
대추차 tae-chu-cha jujube tea
인삼차 in-sam-cha korean ginseng tea
레몬티 re-mon-ti lemon tea
사이다 sa-i-da lemonlime
리큐르 ri-kyu-rŭ liqueur
양조하다 yang-jo-ha-da liquor
sul liquor
양주 yang-ju liquor
술병 sul-ppyŏng liquor bottle
맥콜 maek-kol maekkol
막걸리 mak-kkŏl-li makgeolli
막걸리타운 mak-kkŏl-li-ta-un makgeolli town
밀크티 mil-kŭ-t'i milk tea
생수 saeng-su mineral water
무알코올 mu-al-ko-ol non-alcoholic
오미자차 o-mi-ja-cha omija tea
온더락 on the rock
애주가 ae-ju-ga one who loves to drink
우롱차 u-rong-cha oolong tea
매실주 mae-shil-tchu plum wine
말차 mal-cha powdered green tea
금주하다 practice temperance
복분자차 pok-ppun-ja-cha raspberry tea
레드와인 re-dŭ-wa-in red wine
적포도주 chŏk-po-do-ju red wine
청주 chŏng-ju rice wine
동동주 dong-dong-ju rice wine
rŏm rum
일본술 il-bon-sul sake
사케 sa-ke sake
스무디 sŭ-mu-di smoothie
탄산수 tan-san-su sparkling water
스포츠 음료 sŭ-po-chŭ ŭm-nyo sports drink
빨대 ppal-ttae straw
식혜 shi-kye sweet rice drink
시럽 shi-rŏp syrup
술집 sul-tchip tavern
홍차 hong-cha tea
다도 ta-do tea ceremony
전통차 chŏn-tong-cha traditional tea
비엔나 커피 pi-en-na kŏ-pi vienna coffee
보드카 po-dŭ-ka vodka
음료수 ŭm-nyo-su water
mul water
위스키 wi-sŭ-ki whiskey
백포도주 paek-po-do-ju white wine
화이트 와인 hwa-i-tŭ-wa-in white wine
포도주 po-do-ju wine
와인 wa-in wine
와인 잔 wa-in jan wine glass
The same category :Food
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Kitchen supplies taste
Other cuisine Meal
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Vegetables Fruit
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