Food and Ingredients,word list

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Food, Ingredients
Food and Ingredients
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
계란 한 판 kye-ran han pan 1 case of egg
도토리 do-to-ri acorn
아몬드 a-mon-dŭ almond
kong bean
콩가루 kong-kka-ru bean flour
메주 me-ju block of fermented soybeans
ppang bread
빵가루 ppang-kka-ru breadcrumbs
흑설탕 hŭk-ssŏl-tang brown sugar
버터 pŏ-tŏ butter
통조림 tong-jo-rim canned food
시리얼 shi-ri-ŏl cereal
치즈 chi-jŭ cheese
고추기름 chili oil
고춧가루 ko-chut-kka-ru chili powder
계피 kye-pi cinnamon
연유 yŏ-nyu condensed milk
양념 yang-nyŏm condiment
요리술 yo-ri-sul cooking
식용유 shi-gyong-nyu cooking oil
유제품 yu-je-pum dairy products
드레싱 tŭ-re-shing dressing
가다랭어포 ka-da-raeng-eo-po dried bonito
멸치 myŏl-chi dried sardine
달걀 tal-gyal egg
계란 kye-ran egg
노른자 no-rŭn-ja egg yolk
비상식량 emergency provisions
패스트푸드 pae-sŭ-tŭ-pu-dŭ fast food
생선 saeng-sŏn fish
밀가루 mil-kka-ru flour
불량 식품 pul-lyang shik-pum food fraud
식재료 shik-tchae-ryo food reserves
생크림 saeng-kŭ-rim fresh cream
냉동식품 naeng-dong-shik-pum frozen food
생강 saeng-gang ginger
찹쌀 chap-ssal glutinous rice
고려인삼 ko-ryŏ-in-sam Goryeo ginseng
그린피스 kŭ-rin-pi-sŭ green peas
야채 가게 ya-chae ga-ge greengrocer
식료품 sing-nyo-pum grocery
kkul honey
고추냉이 go-chu-naeng-i horseradish
즉석식품 chŭk-ssŏk-ssik-pum instant food
jaem jam
케찹 ke-chap ketchup
바가지 pa-ga-ji large bowl
kim laver
저지방 chŏ-ji-bang low-fat
곤약 ko-nyak maggy
마가린 ma-ga-rin margarine
마요네즈 ma-yo-ne-jŭ mayonnaise
화학조미료 hwa-hak-tcho-mi-ryo monosodium glutamate(MSG)
머스터드 mŏ-sŭ-tŏ-dŭ mustard
겨자 kyŏ-ja mustard
면류 myŏl-lyu noodles
올리브유 ol-li-bŭ-yu olive oil
땅콩버터 ttang-kong-bŏ-tŏ peanut butter
후추 hu-chu pepper
들기름 tŭl-gi-rŭm perilla oil
유통기간 yu-tong-gi-gan period of circulation
녹말 nong-mal potato starch
분말 pun-mal powder
방부제 pang-bu-je preservative
보존식 po-jon-shik preservative food
메추리알 me-chu-ri-al quail egg
고추장 ko-chu-jang red pepper paste
ssal rice
샐러드오일 sael-leo-deu-o-il salad oil
연어알 yŏ-nŏ-al salmon roe
소금 so-gŭm salt
새우젓 sae-u-jŏt salted shrimp
시식 shi-shik sample
소시지 sso-shi-ji sausage
골뱅이 kol-baeng-i sea snail
다시마 ta-shi-ma sea tangle
참기름 cham-gi-rŭm sesame oil
참깨 cham-kkae sesame seed
다시다 ta-shi-da smack one´s lips
박력분 pang-nyŏk-ppun soft flour
육수 yuk-ssu soup stock
소스 sso-ssŭ source
간장 kan-jang soy sauce
된장 toen-jang soybean paste
두유 tu-yu soymilk
녹말가루 nong-mal-kka-ru starch
물엿 mul-lyŏt starch syrup
강력분 kang-nyŏk-ppun strong flour
설탕 sŏl-tang sugar
각설탕 kak-ssŏl-tang sugar cube
서플리먼트 sŏ-pŭl-li-mŏn-tŭ supplements
미림 mi-rim sweet sake
cha tea
흰자 hin-ja the white of an egg
두부 tu-bu tofu
식초 shik-cho vinegar
단무지 tan-mu-ji yellow pickled radish
요구르트 yo-gu-rŭ-tŭ yoghurt
The same category :Food
Cooking method Food, Ingredients
Kitchen supplies taste
Other cuisine Meal
Restaurant Drink, liquor
Vegetables Fruit
Meat Candy, Suites
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