Medicine,word list

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Medical and hospital(34) Medical equipment(22) Examination and inspection(5) Illness and symptoms(115)
Therapy(24) Drug(34) Chinese medicine, herbal(11)
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
폴립 pol-lip polyp
가루약 ka-ru-yak powdered medicine
노안 no-an presbyopia
처방 chŏ-bang prescription
예방하다 ye-bang-ha-da prevent
방역 pang-yŏk prevention of epidemics
정신과 chŏng-shin-kkwa psychiatry
심료내과 shim-nyo-nae-kkwa psychosomatic medicine
맥박 maek-ppak pulse
고름 ko-rŭm pus
방사선과 pang-sa-sŏn-kkwa radiology
휴양시설 hyu-yang-shi-sŏl recreation facilities
요양 yo-yang recuperation
재발 chae-bal recurrence
홍삼 hong-sam red ginseng
재활 chae-hwal rehabilitation
재활 치료 chae-hwal chi-ryo rehabilitation
약효 ya-kyo remedial effect
비염 pi-yŏm rhinitis
풍진 pung-jin rubella
메스 me-sŭ scalpel
흉터 hyung-tŏ scar
정밀검사 chŏng-mil-gŏm-sa scrutiny
발작 pal-tchak seizure convulsion
중경상 chung-gyŏng-sang serious and slight injuries
중태 chung-tae serious condition
수면제 su-myeon-je sleeping drug
재채기 chae-chae-gi sneeze
전문의 chŏn-mu-nŭi specialist
chim spit
염좌 yŏm-jwa sprain
청진기 chŏng-jin-gi stethoscope
어깨 결림 ŏk-kae kyŏl-lim stiffness of the shoulders
위궤양 wi-gwe-yang stomach ulcer
속이 아프다 so-gi a-pŭ-da stomachache
스트레스 sŭ-tŭ-re-sŭ stress
들것 tŭl-kkŏt stretcher
환자 hwan-ja sufferer
외과 oe-kkwa surgery
증상 chŭng-sang symptoms
알약 al-lyak tablet
약을 먹다 ya-gŭl mŏk-tta take medicine
복용 po-gyong take medicine
탐폰 tam-pon tampon
테이핑 te-i-ping taping
치석 chi-seok tartar
떡실신 ttŏk-ssil-ssin That of state fell down unconscious
중이병 chung-i-ppyŏng The disease in seen in adolescent time sophomore junior high school
온도계 on-do-gye thermometer
체온계 che-on-gye thermometer
치료하다 chi-ryo-ha-da treat
치료 chi-ryo treatment
핀셋 pin-set tweezers
대학 병원 tae-hak-ppyŏng-wŏn university hospital
비뇨기과 bi-nyo-gi-gwa urology
예방 주사 ye-bang-chu-sa vaccination
비아그라 pi-a-gŭ-ra viagra
바이러스 pa-i-rŏ-sŭ virus
kyun virus
비타민 pi-ta-min vitamin
비타민제 pi-ta-min-je vitamin pills
물베개 mul-be-gae water pillow
약시 yak-ssi weak eyesight
휠체어 hwil-che-ŏ wheelchair
삭신이 쑤시다 sak-ssi-ni ssu-shi-da whole body aches
부상 pu-sang wound
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