Therapy,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
투약 tu-yak administration
마취 ma-chwi anesthesia
항체 hang-che antibody
보행기 po-haeng-gi baby walker
수혈 su-hyŏl blood transfusion
포경 수술 po-gyŏng-su-sul circumcision
쾌유 kwae-yu complete recovery
진료 chi-llyo consultation
교정하다 kyo-jŏng-ha-da correct
해독 hae-dok detoxification
투석 tu-sŏk dialysis
링거 주사 ring-gŏ ju-sa drop of water
효능 hyo-nŭng effect
투병 tu-byŏng fight against an illness
구급상자 ku-gŭp-ssang-ja first-aid kit
목발을 짚다 mok-ppa-rŭl chip-tta I have crutches.
면역력 myŏ-nyŏng-nyŏk immune strength
간병 kan-byŏng nursing
간호 kan-ho nursing
처방 chŏ-bang prescription
예방하다 ye-bang-ha-da prevent
방역 pang-yŏk prevention of epidemics
휴양시설 hyu-yang-shi-sŏl recreation facilities
요양 yo-yang recuperation
재활 치료 chae-hwal chi-ryo rehabilitation
약효 ya-kyo remedial effect
약을 먹다 ya-gŭl mŏk-tta take medicine
치료하다 chi-ryo-ha-da treat
치료 chi-ryo treatment
예방 주사 ye-bang-chu-sa vaccination
The same category :Medicine
Medical and hospital Medical equipment
Examination and inspection Illness and symptoms
Therapy Drug
Chinese medicine, herbal
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