Drug,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
보약 po-yak
약을 쓰다 ya-gŭl ssŭ-da
투약 tu-yak administration
식후 shi-ku after a meal
지사제 chi-sa-je antidiarrheal
해독제 hae-dok-tche antidote
소독제 so-dok-tche antiseptic
정력제 chŏng-nyŏk-tche aphrodisiac
아스피린 a-sŭ-pi-rin aspirin
식전 shik-tchŏn before a meal
피임제 pi-im-je birth control medications
캡슐 kaep-ssyul capsule
감기약 kam-gi-yak cold medicine
위장약 wi-jang-nyak digestive medicine
안약 a-nyak eye drops
발모제 pal-mo-je hair growth solution
두통제 tu-tong-je headache medicine
yak medicine
상비약 sang-bi-yak medicines
가글약 ga-geul-lyak mouthwash
영양제 yŏng-yang-je nutritional supplements
물파스 mul-pa-su Pain relieving medication
약사 yak-ssa pharmacist
약국 yak-kkuk pharmacy
파스 pa-su plaster
고약 ko-yak plaster
가루약 ka-ru-yak powdered medicine
처방 chŏ-bang prescription
약효 ya-kyo remedial effect
수면제 su-myeon-je sleeping drug
알약 al-lyak tablet
약을 먹다 ya-gŭl mŏk-tta take medicine
비아그라 pi-a-gŭ-ra viagra
비타민 pi-ta-min vitamin
비타민제 pi-ta-min-je vitamin pills
The same category :Medicine
Medical and hospital Medical equipment
Examination and inspection Illness and symptoms
Therapy Drug
Chinese medicine, herbal
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