Medical and hospital,word list

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Medical and hospital
Medical and hospital
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
구급차 ku-gŭp-cha ambulance
체지방률 che-ji-bang-nyul body fat percentage
뇌파 noe-pa brainwave
간병인 kan-pyŏng-in caregiver
대장균 tae-jang-gyun colon bacillus
진찰실 chin-chal-shil consultation room
미용성형외과 mi-yong-sŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa cosmetic surgery
미용외과 mi-yong-oe-kkwa cosmetic surgery
병사 pyŏng-sa death from disease
존엄사 cho-nŏm-sa death with dignity
치과 chi-kkwa dentist
피부과 pi-bu-kkwa dermatology
원장 wŏn-jang director
소화기내과 so-hwa-gi-nae-kkwa gastrointestinal medicine
종합병원 chong-hap ppyŏng-wŏn general hospital
호스피스 ho-sŭ-pi-sŭ hospice
병원 pyŏng-wŏn hospital
병원식 pyŏng-wŏn-shik hospital diet
내과 nae-kkwa internal medicine
소개서 so-gae-sŏ letter of introduction
의과 대학 ŭi-kkwa-dae-hak medical department
의학적 ŭi-hak-chŏk medical discovery
의무실 ŭi-mu-shil medical office
의학 ŭi-hak medical science
치료제 chi-ryo-je medicine
신경외과 shin-gyŏng-oe-kkwa neurosurgery
뇌신경외과 noe-sin-gyeong-oe-kkwa neurosurgery
산부인과 san-bu-in-gwa obstetrics and gynecology
수술대 su-sul-ttae operating table
안과 an-kkwa ophthalmology
한의원 ha-ni-wŏn oriental medical clinic
정형외과 chŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa orthopedics
소아과 so-a-gwa pediatrics
성형외과 sŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa plastic surgery
정신과 chŏng-shin-kkwa psychiatry
심료내과 shim-nyo-nae-kkwa psychosomatic medicine
방사선과 pang-sa-sŏn-kkwa radiology
재활 chae-hwal rehabilitation
발작 pal-tchak seizure convulsion
전문의 chŏn-mu-nŭi specialist
환자 hwan-ja sufferer
외과 oe-kkwa surgery
복용 po-gyong take medicine
대학 병원 tae-hak-ppyŏng-wŏn university hospital
비뇨기과 bi-nyo-gi-gwa urology
The same category :Medicine
Medical and hospital Medical equipment
Examination and inspection Illness and symptoms
Therapy Drug
Chinese medicine, herbal
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