Korean | Pronunciation | Meaning |
가슴앓이 | ka-sŭ-ma-ri | |
감염되다 | ||
약을 쓰다 | ya-gŭl ssŭ-da | |
심정지 | shim-jŏng-ji | |
보약 | po-yak | |
수족냉증 | su-jong-naeng-tchŭng | |
탈지면 | tal-tchi-myŏn | absorbent cotton |
급성 | kŭp-ssŏng | acute |
투약 | tu-yak | administration |
식후 | shi-ku | after a meal |
후유증 | hu-yu-tchŭng | aftereffect |
알츠하이머 | al-chŭ-hai-mŏ | alzheimer disease |
구급차 | ku-gŭp-cha | ambulance |
빈혈 | pin-hyŏl | anemia |
마취 | ma-chwi | anesthesia |
거식증 | kŏ-shik-tchŭng | anorexia |
항체 | hang-che | antibody |
지사제 | chi-sa-je | antidiarrheal |
해독제 | hae-dok-tche | antidote |
가려움증 | ka-ryŏ-um-tchŭng | anti-itch cream |
소독제 | so-dok-tche | antiseptic |
실어증 | shi-rŏ-tchŭng | aphasia |
정력제 | chŏng-nyŏk-tche | aphrodisiac |
맹장염 | maeng-jang-nyŏm | appendicitis |
동맥경화 | tong-maek-kkyŏng-hwa | arteriosclerosis |
관절염 | kwan-jŏl-lyŏm | arthritis |
아스피린 | a-sŭ-pi-rin | aspirin |
천식 | chŏn-shik | asthma |
난시 | nan-si | astigmatism |
아토피 | a-to-pi | atopic dermatitis |
조류 독감 | cho-ryu tok-kkam | avian influenza |
보행기 | po-haeng-gi | baby walker |
충치 | chung-chi | bad tooth |
붕대 | pung-dae | bandage |
발병하다 | pal-byŏng-ha-da | be taken ill |
식전 | shik-tchŏn | before a meal |
피임제 | pi-im-je | birth control medications |
출혈 | chur-hyŏl | bleeding |
실명 | shil-myŏng | blindness |
수혈 | su-hyŏl | blood transfusion |
체지방률 | che-ji-bang-nyul | body fat percentage |
뇌파 | noe-pa | brainwave |
암 | am | cancer |
암세포 | am-se-po | cancer cell |
구내염 | ku-nae-yŏm | canker sore |
캡슐 | kaep-ssyul | capsule |
간병인 | kan-pyŏng-in | caregiver |
백내장 | paeng-nae-jang | cataract |
한방약 | han-bang-nyak | Chinese herb medicine |
한방 | han-bang | chinese medicine |
콜레라 | kol-le-ra | cholera |
고질적 | ko-jil-chŏk | chronic |
만성질환 | man-sŏng-jir-hwan | chronic disease |
포경 수술 | po-gyŏng-su-sul | circumcision |
감기약 | kam-gi-yak | cold medicine |
대장균 | tae-jang-gyun | colon bacillus |
쾌유 | kwae-yu | complete recovery |
얼굴색 | ŏl-gul-ssaek | complexion |
합병증 | hap-ppyŏng-tchŭng | complications |
결막염 | kyŏl-ma-gyŏm | conjunctivitis |
변비 | pyŏn-bi | constipation |
진료 | chi-llyo | consultation |
진찰실 | chin-chal-shil | consultation room |
병에 걸리다 | pyŏng-e kŏl-li-da | contract a disease |
경련 | kyŏng-nyŏn | convulsion |
교정하다 | kyo-jŏng-ha-da | correct |
미용성형외과 | mi-yong-sŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa | cosmetic surgery |
미용외과 | mi-yong-oe-kkwa | cosmetic surgery |
기침 | ki-chim | cough |
목발 | mok-ppal | crutch |
병사 | pyŏng-sa | death from disease |
존엄사 | cho-nŏm-sa | death with dignity |
탈수 | tal-su | dehydration |
치과 | chi-kkwa | dentist |
의존증 | ŭi-jon-tchŭng | dependence |
우울증 | u-ŭl-tchŭng | depression |
피부염 | pi-bu-yŏm | dermatitis |
피부과 | pi-bu-kkwa | dermatology |
해독 | hae-dok | detoxification |
당뇨병 | tang-nyo-ppyŏng | diabetes |
투석 | tu-sŏk | dialysis |
설사 | sŏl-ssa | diarrhea |
호흡 곤란 | ho-hŭp kkol-lan | difficult breathing |
위장약 | wi-jang-nyak | digestive medicine |
원장 | wŏn-jang | director |
질환 | chir-hwan | disease |
현기증 | hyŏn-gi-tchŭng | dizziness |
링거 주사 | ring-gŏ ju-sa | drop of water |
습진 | sŭp-tchin | eczema |
효능 | hyo-nŭng | effect |
심전도 | shim-jŏn-do | electrocardiogram |
축농증 | chung-nong-tchŭng | empyema |
내시경 | nae-shi-gyŏng | endoscope |
유행병 | yu-haeng-ppyŏng | epidemic |
안약 | a-nyak | eye drops |
기절하다 | ki-jŏr-ha-da | faint |
꾀병 | kkoe-byŏng | fake illness |
병(이) 나다 | pyŏng-i na-da | fall ill |
SNS 피로증후군 | e-sŭ-aen-e-sŭ pi-ro-jŭng-hu-gun | feel fatigue because of too much using of SNS |
투병 | tu-byŏng | fight against an illness |
구급상자 | ku-gŭp-ssang-ja | first-aid kit |
식중독 | shik-tchung-dok | food poisoning |
건망증 | kŏn-mang-tchŭng | forgetfulness |
골절 | kol-tchŏl | fracture |
위장염 | wi-jang-nyŏm | gastroenteritis |
소화기내과 | so-hwa-gi-nae-kkwa | gastrointestinal medicine |
거즈 | kŏ-jŭ | gauze |
가제 | ka-je | gauze |
종합병원 | chong-hap ppyŏng-wŏn | general hospital |
세균 | se-gyun | germ |
숨참 | sum-cham | get out of breath |
발모제 | pal-mo-je | hair growth solution |
기침이 나다 | ki-chi-mi na-da | have a cough |
열(이) 나다 | yŏ-ri na-da | have a fever |
머리가 띵하다 | mŏ-ri-ga tting-ha-da | have a headache |
체하다 | che-ha-da | have an upset stomach |
식욕이 없다 | shi-gyo-gi ŏpt-ta | have no appetite |
두통 | tu-tong | headache |
두통제 | tu-tong-je | headache medicine |
감기가 떨어지다 | kam-gi-ga ttŏ-rŏ-ji-da | Heal colds |
심장병 | shim-jang-ppyŏng | heart disease |
가슴 쓰림 | heartburn | |
열 | yŏl | heat |
열사병 | yŏl-ssa-ppyŏng | heatstroke |
치질 | chi-jil | hemorrhoids |
간염 | ka-nyŏm | hepatitis |
고혈압 | ko-hyŏ-rap | high blood pressure |
구제역 | ku-je-yŏk | hoof-and-mouth disease |
호스피스 | ho-sŭ-pi-sŭ | hospice |
병원 | pyŏng-wŏn | hospital |
병원식 | pyŏng-wŏn-shik | hospital diet |
다치다 | ta-chi-da | hurt |
감기에 걸리다 | kam-gi-e gŏl-li-da | I catch a cold |
감기가 들다 | kam-gi-ga tŭl-da | I catch a cold |
목발을 짚다 | mok-ppa-rŭl chip-tta | I have crutches. |
앓다 | al-ta | ill |
병 | pyŏng | illness |
지적 장애 | chi-tchŏk-tchang-ae | imbecility |
면역력 | myŏ-nyŏng-nyŏk | immune strength |
잠복기 | cham-bok-kki | incubation period |
불치병 | pul-chi-ppyŏng | incurable illness |
체증 | che-jŭng | indigestion |
감염 | ka-myŏm | infection |
염증 | yŏm-tchŭng | inflammation |
독감 | tok-kkam | influenza |
인플루엔자 | in-pŭl-lu-en-ja | influenza |
주사 | chu-sa | injection |
상처 | sang-chŏ | injury |
불면증 | pul-myŏn-tchŭng | insomnia |
검사하다 | kŏm-sa-ha-da | inspect |
내신 | nae-sin | internal examination |
내과 | nae-kkwa | internal medicine |
가려움 | ka-ryŏ-um | itch |
한의학 | ha-ni-hak | Korean medicine |
진통 | chin-tong | labor |
소개서 | so-gae-sŏ | letter of introduction |
의료 사고 | ŭi-ryo-sa-go | medical accident |
의과 대학 | ŭi-kkwa-dae-hak | medical department |
의학적 | ŭi-hak-chŏk | medical discovery |
의무실 | ŭi-mu-shil | medical office |
의학 | ŭi-hak | medical science |
약초 | yak-cho | medicinal herb |
약 | yak | medicine |
치료제 | chi-ryo-je | medicine |
상비약 | sang-bi-yak | medicines |
우울 | u-ul | melancholy |
메르스 | me-rŭ-sŭ | MERS |
가글약 | ga-geul-lyak | mouthwash |
근육통 | kŭ-nyuk-tong | muscle pain |
속이 안 좋다 | so-gi an cho-ta | My stomach is upset. |
구역질 | ku-yŏk-tchil | nausea |
신경통 | shin-gyŏng-tong | neuralgia |
신경외과 | shin-gyŏng-oe-kkwa | neurosurgery |
뇌신경외과 | noe-sin-gyeong-oe-kkwa | neurosurgery |
간호 | kan-ho | nursing |
간병 | kan-byŏng | nursing |
영양제 | yŏng-yang-je | nutritional supplements |
강박증 | kang-bak-tchŭng | obsession |
장애 | chang-ae | obstacle |
산부인과 | san-bu-in-gwa | obstetrics and gynecology |
수술대 | su-sul-ttae | operating table |
안과 | an-kkwa | ophthalmology |
한의사 | ha-ni-sa | oriental doctor |
한의원 | ha-ni-wŏn | oriental medical clinic |
한약 | ha-nyak | oriental medicine |
정형외과 | chŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa | orthopedics |
중이염 | chung-i-yŏm | otitis media |
물파스 | mul-pa-su | Pain relieving medication |
아프다 | a-pŭ-da | painful |
색약 | sae-gyak | partial color blind |
소아과 | so-a-gwa | pediatrics |
생리통 | saeng-ni-tong | period pains |
약사 | yak-ssa | pharmacist |
약국 | yak-kkuk | pharmacy |
전염병 | chŏ-nyŏm-ppyŏng | plague |
고약 | ko-yak | plaster |
파스 | pa-su | plaster |
성형외과 | sŏng-hyŏng-oe-kkwa | plastic surgery |
폐렴 | pye-ryŏm | pneumonia |
화분증 | hwa-bun-tchŭng | pollinosis |
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