History,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
폐하 pye-ha
서기 sŏ-gi A.D.
시대 shi-dae age
고대 ko-dae ancient
백제 paek-tche Baekje
sŏng castle
세기 se-gi century
춘향전 chun-hyang-jŏn Chunhyangjeon
문관 mun-gwan civil servant
식민지 지배 shing-min-ji chi-bae colonial rule
식민지 sing-min-ji colony
종군 위안부 chong-gun-wi-an-bu comfort women
압축 성장 ap-chuk sŏng-jang compressed growth
황태자 hwang-tae-ja crown prince
문화유산 mun-hwa-yu-san cultural heritage
황후 hwang-hu empress
신기원 shin-gi-wŏn epoch
민족 min-jok ethnic group
고구려 ko-gu-ryŏ Goguryeo
고려 ko-ryŏ Goryeo
한성 han-sŏng Hanseong
한양 ha-nyang Hanyang
유산 yu-san heritage
역사 yŏk-ssa history
임진왜란 im-jin-wae-ran Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592
조선시대 cho-sŏn-shi-dae Joseon period
경성 kyŏng-sŏng Keijyo
주막 chu-mak korean tavern and inn
육이오 전쟁 yu-gi-o-jŏn-jaeng Korean War
명나라 myŏng-na-ra ming
현대 hyŏn-dae modern
근현대사 kŭn-hyŏn-dae-sa modern and contemporary history
국보 guk-bo national treasure
일제 강점기 ilt-che kang-jŏm-gi period of Japanese occupation
청나라 chŏng-na-ra Qing dynasty
유물 yu-mul relic
유적 yu-jŏk remains
왕족 wang-jok royal family
심청전 sim-cheong-jeon shim chang story
한국전쟁 han-guk-tchŏn-jaeng the Korean War
도쿠가와 이에야스 Tokugawa Ieyasu
보물 po-mul treasure
세계사 se-gye-sa world history
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