Justice and the law
Korean | Pronunciation | Meaning |
감옥 | ka-mok | |
인민재판 | in-min-jae-pan | |
법적 분쟁 | pŏp-tchŏk-ppun-jaeng | |
합의 | ha-bi | accord |
고발하다 | ko-bar-ha-da | accuse |
가중 처벌 | ka-jung-chŏ-bŏl | additional punishment |
간통죄 | kan-tong-tchoe | adultery |
횡령 | arrogate | |
보석 | po-sŏk | bail |
고소당하다 | ko-so-dang-ha-da | be charged with |
기각되다 | ki-gak-ttoe-da | be rejected |
고발장 | ko-bal-tchang | bill of indictment |
무고죄 | mu-go-tchoe | calumny |
사실혼 | sa-sil-hon | commonlaw marriage |
배상 | pae-sang | compensation |
체결 | che-gyŏl | conclusion |
위자료 | wi-ja-ryo | consolation money |
헌법 | hŏn-ppŏp | constitution |
자술서 | cha-sul-sŏ | constitutional court |
강제 동행 | kang-je dong-haeng | constraint companion |
법원 | pŏ-bwŏn | courthouse |
범죄자 | pŏm-joe-ja | criminal |
직무 유기 | ching-mu yu-gi | dereliction of duty |
증거 | chŭng-gŏ | evidence |
사형 | sa-hyŏng | execute |
벌금 | pŏl-gum | fine |
임의동행 | i-mŭi-dong-haeng | going together voluntarily |
상속인 | sang-so-gin | heir |
가택 수색 | ka-taek-ssu-saek | house search |
신원 | shi-nwŏn | identity |
불법 | pul-bŏp | illegal |
개인회생 | individual rehabilitation | |
검사관 | kŏm-sa-gwan | inspector |
국제법 | kuk-tche-ppŏp | international law |
프라이버시 침해 | pŭ-ra-i-bŏ-shi chim-hae | invasion of privacy |
재판관 | chae-pan-gwan | judge |
판결하다 | pan-gyŏr-ha-da | judge |
판결 | pan-gyŏl | judgment |
법조인 | pŏp-tcho-in | judicial officer |
사법 | sa-bŏp | jurisdiction |
정당방위 | chŏng-dang-bang-wi | justifiable |
법률 | pŏm-nyul | law |
법률사무소 | beom-nyul-sa-mu-so | law firm |
변호인 | pyŏn-ho-in | lawyer |
합법 | hap-ppŏp | legality |
입법 | ip-ppŏp | legislation |
과실 | kwa-shil | mistake |
가석방 | ka-sŏk-ppang | parole |
표절하다 | pyo-jŏr-ha-da | plagiarism |
표절 | pyo-jŏl | plagiarism |
원고 | wŏn-go | plaintiff |
초상권 | cho-sang-kkwŏn | portrait rights |
집행유예 | chi-paeng-nyu-ye | probation |
소유권 | so-yu-kkwŏn | property |
진술 | chin-sul | proposition |
기소 | ki-so | prosecution |
처벌 | chŏ-bŏl | punishment |
형벌 | hyŏng-bŏl | punishment |
권익 | kwŏ-nik | rights and interests |
규칙 | kyu-chik | rule |
죄 | choe | sin |
소송 | so-song | suit |
증언하다 | chŭng-ŏn-ha-da | testify |
공갈죄 | kong-gal-tchoe | the crime of blackmail |
재판 | chae-pan | trial |
위반 | wi-ban | violation |