Military,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
일등병 il-ttŭng-byŏng
병장 pyŏng-jang
군사 연습 kun-sa yŏn-sŭp
공습경보 kong-sŭp-kyŏng-bo
군사 분계선 kun-sa-bun-gye-sŏn
위문편지 wi-mun-pyeon-ji
군화를 거꾸로 신다 kun-hwa-rŭl kŏ-kku-ro shin-tta After you have demobilized, and tell her goodbye
공습 kong-sŭp air raid
군대 kun-dae armed forces
군대리아 kun-dae-ri-a Army Burger
공격 kong-gyŏk attack
격퇴 kyŏk-toe beat off
군자금 kun-ja-gŭm campaign funds
지휘 chi-hwi command
특수 부대 tŭk-ssu bu-dae commando
방위 pang-wi defense
디엠제트 ti-em-je-tŭ demilitarized zone
억지력 ŏkt-chi-ryŏk deterrent
chŏk enemy
입소 ip-sso enlistment
입대 ip-ttae enlistment
폭발하다 pok-ppar-ha-da explode
경비 kyŏng-bi guard
chong gun
적대국 chŏk-ttae-guk hostile country
침략 chim-nyak invasion
철통 chŏl-tong iron tub
카투사 ka-tu-sa KATUSA
발사하다 pal-ssa-ha-da launch
장전하다 chang-jŏn-ha-da load
화약고 hwa-yak-kko magazine
해병대 hae-byŏng-dae Marine Corps
군통령 kun-tong-nyŏng Military president
부대 pu-dae military unit
임무 im-mu mission
해군 hae-gun navy
haek nuclear weapon
돌발 사태 tol-bal sa-tae outbreak incident
포로 po-ro prisoner
응징 ŭng-jing punishment
계급 kye-gŭp rank
후방 hu-bang rear
저항하다 chŏ-hang-ha-da resist
경례 kyŏng-nye salute
안보 장사 an-bo chang-sa security business
복무 pong-mu service
군바리 kun-ba-ri Slang of soldier
군인 ku-nin soldier
간첩 kan-chŏp spay
전략 chŏl-lyak strategy
항복 hang-bok surrender
조련 cho-ryŏn training
휴전 hyu-jŏn truce
군복 kun-bok uniform
전쟁 chŏn-jaeng war
무기 mu-gi weapon
고무신을 거꾸로 신다 ko-mu-shi-nŭl kŏ-kku-ro shin-tta Without wait for a boyfriend who went to the army, that mingle with other men.
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