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All about Korea - Koreanary
Celebration & Events
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
기념일 ki-nyŏ-mil anniversary
생신 saeng-shin birthday
생일 saeng-il birthday
생일 카드 saeng-il ka-dŭ birthday card
식전 shik-tchŏn ceremony
세레모니 se-re-mo-ni ceremony
꽃놀이 kkon-no-ri cherry blossom viewing
축전 chuk-tchŏn congratulatory
망년회 mang-nyŏn-hoe end-of-year party
행사 haeng-sa event
박람회 pang-nam-hoe exhibition
송별회 song-byŏr-hoe farewell party
연회 yŏn-hoe feast
고별식 ko-byŏl-ssik final service
장례식 chang-nye-shik funeral
금혼식 kŭm-hon-shik golden wedding
내빈 nae-bin guest
초대장 cho-dae-tchang invitation card
근로자의 날 kŭl-lo-jae nal Labor Day
추모식 chu-mo-shik memorial service
축의금 chu-gi-gŭm money gift
국경일 kuk-kkyŏng-il national holiday
새해 sae-hae new year
신년회 shin-nyŏn-hoe New Year’s party
잔치 chan-chi party
소풍 so-pung picnic
제사 che-sa ritual
여흥 yŏ-hŭng sideshow
은혼식 ŭn-hon-shik silver wedding
친목회 chin-mo-koe social gathering
칠석 chil-ssŏk star festival
추석 chu-sŏk Thanksgiving Day
사은회 sa-ŭn-hoe thank-you party
구정 ku-jŏng the lunar New Year
환영회 hwa-nyŏng-hoe welcome party
The same category :Living
Greeting Thanks, Sorry
Question, Response Living
Housing & real estate House, room
Livingware The name of shop
Shopping Health
Home appliances Celebration & Events
Laundry Childcare & child-rearing
Mail, telephone Accidents & trouble
Incidents & crime Disaster
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