Housing & real estate,word list

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Housing & real estate
Housing & real estate
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
고시원 ko-shi-wŏn
세입자 se-ip-tcha
빈방 pin-bang
주춧돌 chu-chu-ttol
취득세 chwi-dŭk-sse acquisition tax
주소 chu-so address
단지 dan-ji apartment complex
건축사 kŏn-chuk-ssa architect
건축가 kŏn-chuk-kka architect
건축학 kŏn-chu-kak architecture
민박 min-bak bed and breakfast
건축하다 kŏn-chu-ka-da build
빌딩 pil-ting building
건물 kŏn-mul building
건설 kŏn-sŏl building
불도저 pul-do-jŏ bulldozer
사택 sa-taek company housing
건설회사 kŏn-sŏr-hoe-sa Construction company
공사 현장 kong-sa-hyŏn-jang construction site
노가다 no-ga -da construction worker
보증금 po-jŭng-gŭm deposit
해체하다 hae-che-ha-da disband
기숙사 ki-suk-ssa dormitory
ttang earth
주택 chu-taek housing
토지 to-ji land
땅주인 ttang-ju-in landlord
임대업 im-dae-ŏp lease business
공인 중개사 gong-in-jung-gae-sa licensed real estate agent
관리비 kwal-li-bi maintenance cost
월세 wŏl-sse month's rent
저당 chŏ-dang mortgage
모텔 mo-tel motel
복부인 Bok buin Mrs. to perform real estate speculation in full-time
현주소 hyŏn-ju-so one's current address
부실 공사 pu-shil-gong-sa poor construction
부동산 pu-dong-san property
부동산 임대업 pu-dong-san im-dae-ŏp property lease business
부동산 업계 real estate agent
재건 chae-gŏn reconstruction
리모델링 ri-mo-del-ling remodeling
임대료 im-dae-ryo rent
집세 chip-sse rent
전매 chŏn-mae resale
거주자 kŏ-ju-ja resident
주택가 chu-taek-kka residential area
주택지 chu-taek-tchi residential section
매각 mae-gak sell off
원룸 studio apartment
양도세 yang-do-sse transfer tax
공사 중 kong-sa-jung under construction
빌라 pil-la Villa
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