The name of shop,word list

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The name of shop
The name of shop
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
철학관 chŏr-hak-kkwan
책방 chaek-ppang bookstore
서점 sŏ-jŏm bookstore
명품점 myŏng-pum-jŏm brand shops
정육점 chŏng-yuk-tchŏm butcher's shop
케이크점 ke-i-keu-jeom cake shop
매점 mae-jŏm canteen
편의점 pyŏ-nŭi-jŏm convenience store
화장품 가게 hwa-jang-pum ka-ge cosmetics store
백화점 pae-kwa-jŏm department store
면세점 myŏn-se-jŏm duty free shop
전파상 jeon-pa-sang electric shop
전자상가 chŏn-ja-sang-ga electric town
생선 가게 saeng-sŏn-ga-ge fish shop
꽃집 kkot-tchip flower shop
과일 가게 kwa-il ka-ge fruit shop
가구점 ka-gu-jŏm furniture store
잡화점 cha-pwa-jŏm general store
야채 가게 ya-chae ga-ge greengrocer
철물점 chŏl-mul-chŏm hardware store
주류점 chu-ryu-jŏm liquor store
환전소 hwan-jŏn-so money exchange counter
아웃렛 a-ul-let outlet mall
전당포 chŏn-dang-po pawnshop
산후조리원 san-hu-jo-ri-won postnatal care center
떡집 ttŏkt-chip rice cake shop
가게 ka-ge shop
상가 sang-ga shopping street
구멍가게 ku-mŏng-ga-ge small store
선물 가게 sŏn-mul ga-ge souvenir shop
문구점 mun-gu-jŏm stationery store
대형 마트 tae-hyŏng-ma-tŭ supermarket
완구점 wan-gu-jŏm toy shop
지하상가 chi-ha-sang-ga underground shopping area
헌책방 hŏn-chaek-ppang used bookstore
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