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All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
산재보험 san-jae-bo-hŏm
명상 myŏng-sang
기초 체온 ki-cho-che-on basal body temperature
정관장 chŏng-gwan-jang Cheong Kwan Jang
쾌유 kwae-yu complete recovery
운동 un-dong exercise
산책 san-chaek for a walk
고려인삼 ko-ryŏ-in-sam Goryeo ginseng
건강 kŏn-gang health
건강식품 kŏn-gang-shik-pum health foods
건강 보험 kŏn-gang bo-hŏm health insurance
건강 보험증 kŏn-gang-po-hŏm-tchŭng health insurance card
이소플라본 i-so-pŭl-la-bon isoflavone
유산균 yu-san-gyun lactobacillus
ttŭm moxibustion
금연 kŭ-myŏn No Smoking
영양소 yŏng-yang-so nutrient
비만 pi-man obesity
과체중 kwa-che-jung overweight
시력 shi-ryŏk sight
사회 보험 sa-hoe po-hŏm social insurance
4대 보험 sa-dae-bo-hŏm social insurance
스트레칭 sŭ-tŭ-re-ching stretch
활력 hwal-lyŏk vigor
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