Incidents & crime,word list

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Incidents & crime
Incidents & crime
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
소매치기를 당하다 so-mae-chi-gi-rŭl tang-ha-da
지구대 chi-gu-dae
사고 sa-go accident
말싸움 mal-ssa-um argument
체포하다 che-po-ha-da arrest
암살 am-sal assassination
폭행 po-kaeng assault
검사 kŏm-sa autopsy
때리다 ttae-ri-da beat
유가족 yu-ga-jok bereaved family
고발장 ko-bal-tchang bill of indictment
폭탄 pok-tan bomb
뇌물 noe-mul bribe
왕따 wang-tta bullying
사인 sa-in cause of death
쫓다 tchot-tta chase
아동 학대 a-dong-hak-ttae child abuse
실마리 sil-ma-ri clue
단서 tan-sŏ clue
강제 동행 kang-je dong-haeng constraint companion
범행 pŏm-haeng crime
범죄 pŏm-joe crime
방범 pang-bŏm crime prevention
범죄자 pŏm-joe-ja criminal
범인 pŏ-min criminal
동물 학대 tong-mur-hak-ttae cruelty to animals
위험 지역 wi-hŏm chi-yŏk danger area
병사 pyŏng-sa death from disease
존엄사 cho-nŏm-sa death with dignity
형사 hyŏng-sa detective
실종 shil-tchong disappearance
탈주 tal-tchu escape
조작 cho-jak fake
전락 chŏl-lak fall
임의동행 i-mŭi-dong-haeng going together voluntarily
환각제 hwan-gak-tche hallucinogen
하이잭 ha-i-jaek hijacking
사건 sa-kkŏn incident
협박자 hyŏp-ppak-tcha intimidator
침입 chi-mip intrusion
프라이버시 침해 pŭ-ra-i-bŏ-shi chim-hae invasion of privacy
일본 대사관 il-bon-dae-sa-gwan Japanese Embassy
마피아 ma-pi-a mafia
감찰의 kam-cha-rŭi medical examiner
살인 sa-rin murder
가석방 ka-sŏk-ppang parole
경찰차 kyŏng-chal-cha patrol car
순찰차 sun-chal-cha patrol car
소매치기 so-mae-chi-gi pickpocket
경찰 수첩 kyŏng-chal ssu-chŏp police identification card and notebook
경찰서 kyŏng-chal-ssŏ police station
파출소 pa-chul-so police substation
싸움 ssa-um quarrel
인종 차별 in-jong cha-byŏl racial discrimination
강도 kang-do robber
사건 현장 sa-kkŏn hyŏn-jang scene of a crime
뒷조사 twit-cho-sa secret investigation
사살 sa-sal shot dead
날치기 nal-chi-gi snatch
빈집털이 pin-jip-tŏ-ri sneak thief
훔치다 hum-chi-da steal
추징금 chu-jing-gŭm surcharge
yok swear word
공갈죄 kong-gal-tchoe the crime of blackmail
절도 chŏl-tto theft
도둑 to-duk thief
위협 wi-hyŏp threat
협박 hyŏp-ppak threat
추적하다 chu-jŏ-ka-da trace
교통사고 kyo-tong-sa-go traffic accident
밀거래 mil-gŏ-rae trafficking
미해결 사건 mi-hae-gyŏl sa-kkŏn unsolved cases
희생자 hi-saeng-ja victim
폭력 pong-nyŏk violence
난폭 nan-pok wildness
목격자 mok-kkyŏk-tcha witness
가해자 ka-hae-ja wrongdoer
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