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All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
양치 yang-chi brushing one's teeth
불행 pur-haeng calamity
외국인 등록증 oe-gu-gin tŭng-nok-tchŭng certificate of alien registration
통금 시간 tong-gŭm shi-gan curfew
일기 il-gi diary
전기요금 chŏn-gi-yo-gŭm electric charges
전기세 chŏn-gi-sse electricity charges
이민 i-min emigration
가계 ka-gye family budget
식비 shik-ppi food expenses
전업주부 chŏ-nŏp-tchu-bu full‐time housewife
회관 hoe-gwan hall
취미 chwi-mi hobby
가구 ka-gu household
가계부 ka-gye-bu household ledger
가사 도우미 ka-sa-do-u-mi housekeeper
잔디 깎기 chan-di-kkak-kki lawn mower
생활 saeng-hwal life
광열비 kwang-yŏl-bi light and heat expenses
생계 saeng-gye livelihood
살림 sal-lim livelihood
생활비 saeng-hwal-bi living expenses
사치 sa-chi luxury
이사 i-sa moving
바늘 pa-nŭl needle
이웃 i-ut neighbor
반상회 ban-sang-hoe neighborhood meeting
영주권 yŏng-ju-kkwŏn permanent residency
용돈 yong-tton pocket money
우산을 쓰다 u-sa-nŭl ssŭ-da put an umbrella up
주민세 chu-min-sse residence tax
비상금 pi-sang-gŭm secret savings
자취 cha-chwi single life
절약 chŏ-ryak thrift
공과금 kong-gwa-gŭm utility bill
절수 chŏl-ssu water saving
찰러리맨 chal-lŏ-ri-maen Who also live in dependence on parents after employment.
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