Korean | Pronunciation | Meaning |
강강술래 | kang-gang-sul-lae | |
위문편지 | wi-mun-pyeon-ji | |
폐하 | pye-ha | |
법적 분쟁 | pŏp-tchŏk-ppun-jaeng | |
군사 분계선 | kun-sa-bun-gye-sŏn | |
북괴 | puk-kkoe | |
졸업빵 | cho-rŏpp-pang | |
한드 | han-dŭ | |
각료급 | kang-nyo-gŭp | |
뽀대가 나다 | ppo-dae-ga na-da | |
병장 | pyŏng-jang | |
솔까말 | sol-kka-mal | |
감옥 | ka-mok | |
쌔끈녀 | ssae-kkŭn-nyŏ | |
어깨깡패 | ŏ-kkae-kkang-pae | |
공습경보 | kong-sŭp-kyŏng-bo | |
사대악 | sa-dae-ak | |
일등병 | il-ttŭng-byŏng | |
인민재판 | in-min-jae-pan | |
공염불 | kong-nyŏm-bul | |
삼팔육 세대 | sam-pal-lyuk se-dae | |
언론플레이 | ŏl-lon-pŭl-le-i | |
산재보험 | san-jae-bo-hŏm | |
도가니법 | to-ga-ni-ppŏp | |
갈비 | kal-bi | |
주관하다 | chu-gwan-ha-da | |
해탈 | hae-tal | |
군사 연습 | kun-sa yŏn-sŭp | |
군사 독재 | kun-sa tok-tchae | |
사찰 | sa-chal | |
경단녀 | kyŏng-dan-nyŏ | |
떡대 | ttŏk-ttae | A large, and Athletic were physique |
꼽사리 | kkop-ssa-ri | a person who isn't involved but keeps intervening |
개새끼 | kae-sae-kki | A pup; a puppy; a son of a bitch. |
서기 | sŏ-gi | A.D. |
원전 | wŏn-jŏn | abbreviation of a nuclear power station |
호빠 | ho-ppa | Abbreviation of host bar |
왕초보 | wang-cho-bo | Absolute beginner |
학력 사회 | hang-nyŏk-ssa-hoe | academic career-based society |
학술지 | hak-ssul-ji | academic journal |
합의 | ha-bi | accord |
고발하다 | ko-bar-ha-da | accuse |
뿌잉뿌잉 | ppu-ing-ppu-ing | Act charming with two grasped fists beside cheeks. |
고나리질 | ko-na-ri-jil | Act to intervene excessively to try to raise the evaluation of favorite entertainers. |
가중 처벌 | ka-jung-chŏ-bŏl | additional punishment |
행정 | haeng-jŏng | administration |
행정 명령 | haeng-jŏng-myŏng-nyŏng | administrative order |
간통죄 | kan-tong-tchoe | adultery |
군화를 거꾸로 신다 | kun-hwa-rŭl kŏ-kku-ro shin-tta | After you have demobilized, and tell her goodbye |
시대 | shi-dae | age |
공습 | kong-sŭp | air raid |
공항패션 | kong-hang-pae-syŏn | Airport Fashion |
올인 | o-rin | All in |
올킬 | ol-kil | All Kill |
초딩 | cho-ding | An elementary school student |
앵커 | Anchor | |
고대 | ko-dae | ancient |
천사 | chŏn-sa | angel |
애니팡 | ae-ni-pang | AniPang |
기념일 | ki-nyŏ-mil | anniversary |
아나운서 | a-na-un-sŏ | announcer |
혐한 | hyŏm-han | anti Korea |
꼬라지 | kko-ra-ji | Appearance |
몰빵 | Mol bbang | Applying all, concentrated investment |
겨털 | kyŏ-tŏl | arm pit hair |
군대 | kun-dae | armed forces |
군대리아 | kun-dae-ri-a | Army Burger |
체납 | che-nap | arrears |
횡령 | arrogate | |
기사 | ki-sa | article |
찬성 | chan-sŏng | assent |
공격 | kong-gyŏk | attack |
뒷담화 | twit-ttam-hwa | Backbiting, and speak ill of others behind |
발연기 | pal-lyŏn-gi | Bad acting (foot acting) |
백제 | paek-tche | Baekje |
보석 | po-sŏk | bail |
커플통장 | kŏ-pŭl-tong-jang | bankbook |
세례 | se-rye | baptism |
고소당하다 | ko-so-dang-ha-da | be charged with |
행쇼 | haeng-syo | be happy |
해외직구 | hae-oe-jik-kku | Be purchased by ordering directly from the overseas site |
기각되다 | ki-gak-ttoe-da | be rejected |
짐승돌 | chim-sŭng-dol | Beast idol of strong feeling and powerful to show on stage. |
격퇴 | kyŏk-toe | beat off |
믿다 | mit-tta | believe |
신도 | shin-do | believer |
끝판왕 | Best ability companions in a certain field | |
베프 | pe-pŭ | Best Friend |
절친 | chŏl-chin | Best Friend |
따봉 | tta-bong | Best, very good |
고발장 | ko-bal-tchang | bill of indictment |
음력 생일 | ŭm-nyŏk saeng-nil | birthday in the lunar calendar |
생파 | saeng-pa | Birthday party |
썩소 | ssŏk-sso | Bitter smile |
흑형 | hŭ-kyŏng | Black brother |
블랙데이 | pŭl-laek-tte-i | black day |
그네 | kŭ-ne | blanco |
개드립 | kae-dŭ-rip | boring or non-sense ad-lib and gag |
멍때리다 | mŏng-ttae-ri-da | bots |
남친 | nam-chin | boyfriend |
점자 | chŏm-tcha | braille |
빵셔틀 | ppang-syŏ-tŭl | bread delivery boy |
방송되다 | pang-song-doe-da | broadcast |
방송 | pang-song | broadcasting |
아점 | a-jŏm | brunch |
부처님 | pu-chŏ-nim | Buddha |
석가모니 | sŏk-kka-mo-ni | Buddha |
불교 | pul-gyo | buddhism |
설법 | sŏl-ppŏp | Buddhist sermon |
법요 | pŏ-byo | buddhist service |
왕따 | wang-tta | bullying |
빵터지다 | ppang-tŏ-ji-da | Burst out laughing, LOL |
버터페이스 | pŏ-tŏ-pe-i-sŭ | But her face |
뽀샵 | By correcting the pictures using Photoshop | |
내각 | nae-gak | cabinet |
케이블 | ke-i-bŭl | cable |
무고죄 | mu-go-tchoe | calumny |
군자금 | kun-ja-gŭm | campaign funds |
후보 | hu-bo | candidacy |
후보자 | hu-bo-ja | candidate |
넘사벽 | nŏm-sa-byŏk | cannot overcome |
양카 | yang-ka | Car that is decorated worse and looks too weird. |
정줄놓 | chŏng-jul-lot | Care is missing to be a dazed. |
성 | sŏng | castle |
닥본사 | tak-ppon-sa | Catch the premiere, I see a production always |
카톨릭 | ka-tol-lik | catholic |
천주교 | chŏn-ju-gyo | catholic |
세기 | se-gi | century |
채널 | chae-nŏl | channel |
매력남 | mae-ryŏng-nam | Charming man |
시크하다 | shi-k'ŭ-ha-da | chic |
치맥 | chi-maek | chicken and beer |
아동복지시설 | a-dong-bok-tchi-shi-sŏl | child welfare facilities |
중공 | chung-gong | Chinese Communist Party |
크리스천 | keu-ri-seu-chan | christian |
기독교 | ki-dok-kkyo | christianity |
춘향전 | chun-hyang-jŏn | Chunhyangjeon |
교회 | kyo-hoe | church |
성당 | sŏng-dang | church |
파벌 | pa-bŏl | cilque |
문관 | mun-gwan | civil servant |
시민사회 | civil society | civil society |
문명 | mun-myŏng | civilization |
깔끔남 | kkal-kkŭm-nam | Clean man |
측근 | chŭk-kkŭn | close adviser |
클럽녀 | kŭl-lŏm-nyŏ | Club woman |
코쿤족 | ko-kun-jok | Cocoon group |
대학 축제 | tae-hak-chuk-tche | college campus festival |
식민지 지배 | shing-min-ji chi-bae | colonial rule |
식민지 | sing-min-ji | colony |
칼럼 | kal-lŏm | column |
종군 위안부 | chong-gun-wi-an-bu | comfort women |
커밍아웃 | kŏ-ming-a-ut | coming out |
지휘 | chi-hwi | command |
특수 부대 | tŭk-ssu bu-dae | commando |
위원회 | wi-wŏn-hoe | committee |
사실혼 | sa-sil-hon | commonlaw marriage |
빨갱이 | ppal-gaeng-i | Communist |
배상 | pae-sang | compensation |
깡다구 | kkang-da-gu | Competitive spirit |
압축 성장 | ap-chuk sŏng-jang | compressed growth |
타협 | ta-hyŏp | compromise |
체결 | che-gyŏl | conclusion |
방콕 | pang-kok | confined to the room in the youth words, withdraw |
유교 | yu-gyo | confucianism |
보수적 | po-su-jŏk | conservative |
위자료 | wi-ja-ryo | consolation money |
헌법 | hŏn-ppŏp | constitution |
자술서 | cha-sul-sŏ | constitutional court |
법치국가 | pŏp-chi-guk-kka | constitutional state |
강제 동행 | kang-je dong-haeng | constraint companion |
뉴비 | nyu-bi | Contempt the newcomer, words that are used in the sense that or look down. |
투고 | tu-go | contribution |
콩불 | kong bul | Cooking the beans sprouts and pork fried on the griddle |
까리하다 | Gga ri ha da | Cool, Awesome |
살아 있네! | sa-ra-in-ne | Cool, awesome |
잘생쁘다 | chal-saeng-ppŭ-da | Cool, beautiful, cute, cute parentheses |
부정부패 | pu-jŏng-bu-pae | corruption |
나라 | na-ra | country |
법원 | pŏ-bwŏn | courthouse |
범죄자 | pŏm-joe-ja | criminal |
황태자 | hwang-tae-ja | crown prince |
학대 | hak-ttae | cruelty |
문화유산 | mun-hwa-yu-san | cultural heritage |
문화 | mun-hwa | culture |
문화회관 | mun-hwa-hoe-gwan | culture center |
큐레이슈머 | kyu-re-i-syu-mŏ | Curasumer |
풍습 | pung-sŭp | custom |
귀요미 | kwi-yo-mi | Cute, cute child |
선언하다 | sŏ-nŏn-ha-da | declare |
저출산 | chŏ-chul-ssan | declining birth rates |
봉납 | pong-nap | dedication |
방위 | pang-wi | defense |
탈수 | tal-su | dehydration |
디엠제트 | ti-em-je-tŭ | demilitarized zone |
직무 유기 | ching-mu yu-gi | dereliction of duty |
억지력 | ŏkt-chi-ryŏk | deterrent |
악마 | ang-ma | devil |
다이어리데이 | diary day | |
독재자 | tok-tchae-ja | dictator |