Living,word list

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Incidents & crime(81) Disaster(78)
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
탈수하다 tal-ssu-ha-da dehydrate
분만실 pun-man-shil delivery room
공기청정제 kong-gi-chŏng-jŏng-je deodorant
백화점 pae-kwa-jŏm department store
보증금 po-jŭng-gŭm deposit
책상 chaek-ssang desk
전기스탠드 chŏn-gi-sŭ-taen-dŭ desk lamp
형사 hyŏng-sa detective
세제 se-je detergent
기저귀 ki-jŏ-gwi diaper
일기 il-gi diary
디지털 가전 ti-ji-tŏl ka-jŏn digital appliance
식탁 shik-tak dining table
인사치레 in-sa-chi-re diplomacy
ttae dirt
실종 shil-tchong disappearance
참변 cham-byŏn disaster
재해 chae-hae disaster
재해 속보 chae-hae sok-ppo disaster quick report
참사 cham-sa disaster, tragedy
해체하다 hae-che-ha-da disband
할인 discount discount
행주 haeng-ju dishcloth
식기세척기 shik-kki-se-chŏk-kki dishwasher
디스플레이 ti-sŭ-pŭl-le-i display
생활가전 saeng-hwal-ga-jŏn domestic electrical appliances
동대문시장 tong-dae-mun-shi-jang Dongdaemon Market
방문 pang-mun door
기숙사 ki-suk-ssa dormitory
배수구 pae-su-gu drain
하수구 ha-su-gu drain
서랍 sŏ-rap drawer
드라이어 tŭ-ra-i-ŏ drier
드라이버 tŭ-ra-i-bŏ driver
물에 빠지다 mu-re ppa-ji-da drown
건조기 kŏn-jo-gi dryer
청소중 chŏng-so-jung during cleaning
쓰레기 버리기 ssŭ-re-gi pŏ-ri-gi dust-hole
쓰레받기 ssŭ-re-bat-kki dustpan
면세점 myŏn-se-jŏm duty free shop
DVD (디브이디) ti-bŭ-i-di DVD
난산 nan-san dystocia
귀이개 kwi-i-gae ear cleaning
ttang earth
지진 chi-jin earthquake
지진 속보 chi-jin sok-ppo earthquake quick report
순산 sun-san easy delivery
전기담요 chŏn-gi-dam-nyo electric blanket
전기장판 chŏn-gi-jang-pan electric blanket
전기요금 chŏn-gi-yo-gŭm electric charges
전기밥솥 chŏn-gi-bap-ssot electric rice cooker
전파상 jeon-pa-sang electric shop
전자상가 chŏn-ja-sang-ga electric town
전력 chŏl-lyŏk electricity
전기 chŏn-gi electricity
전기세 chŏn-gi-sse electricity charges
이마트 i-ma-tŭ e-Mart
제방 che-bang embankment
이민 i-min emigration
빈말 pin-mal empty talk
망년회 mang-nyŏn-hoe end-of-year party
입실 ip-ssil entering a room
현관 hyŏn-gwan entrance
분화 pun-hwa eruption
탈주 tal-tchu escape
피난 경보 pi-nan-kyŏng-bo evacuation order
피난로 pi-nan-no evacuation route
행사 haeng-sa event
실례합니다 shil-lye-ham-ni-da Excuse me.
운동 un-dong exercise
박람회 pang-nam-hoe exhibition
유도등 yu-do-dŭng exit light
비싸다 pi-ssa-da expensive
진화하다 chin-hwa-ha-da extinguish
조작 cho-jak fake
전락 chŏl-lak fall
낙하 na-ka falling
낙석 nak-ssŏk falling rock
가계 ka-gye family budget
기근 ki-gŭn famine
선풍기 seon-pung-gi fan
송별회 song-byŏr-hoe farewell party
팩스 paek-ssŭ fax
연회 yŏn-hoe feast
울타리 ul-ta-ri fence
수정란 su-jŏng-nan fertilized egg
태동 tae-dong fetal movement
태아 tae-a fetus
고별식 ko-byŏl-ssik final service
화재 hwa-jae fire
소방서 so-bang-sŏ Fire Department
방화문 pang-hwa-mun fire door
소방차 so-bang-cha fire engine
화재 보험 hwa-jae-po-hŏm fire insurance
방화 셔터 pang-hwa syŏ-tŏ fire proof shutters
초산 cho-san first childbirth
생선 가게 saeng-sŏn-ga-ge fish shop
수리하다 su-ri-ha-da fix
화염 hwa-yŏm flame
회중전등 hoe-jung-jŏn-dŭng flashlight
손전등 son-tchŏn-dŭng flashlight
홍수 hong-su flood
수해 su-hae flood damage
범람 pŏm-nam flooding
바닥 pa-dak floor
마루 ma-ru floor
방석 pang-sŏk floor cushion
온돌 on-dol floor heating
꽃집 kkot-tchip flower shop
식비 shik-ppi food expenses
산책 san-chaek for a walk
예측 ye-cheuk forecast
예지 ye-ji foretell
용서하다 yong-sŏ-ha-da forgive
용서 yong-sŏ forgiveness
과일 가게 kwa-il ka-ge fruit shop
전업주부 chŏ-nŏp-tchu-bu full‐time housewife
모금 mo-gŭm fund raising
장례식 chang-nye-shik funeral
가구 ka-gu furniture
가구점 ka-gu-jŏm furniture store
차고 cha-go garage
쓰레기봉투 ssŭ-re-gi-bong-tu garbage bag
휴지통 hyu-ji-tong garbage box
쓰레기통 ssŭ-re-gi-tong garbage box
청소차 chŏng-so-cha garbage wagon
가스렌지 ka-sŭ-ren-ji gas range
대문 tae-mun gate
mun gate
잡화점 cha-pwa-jŏm general store
정품 chŏng-pum genuine product
똥값 ttong-kkap Giveaway price, incredibly cheap price
안경케이스 an-gyeong-ke-i-seu glasses case
임의동행 i-mŭi-dong-haeng going together voluntarily
금혼식 kŭm-hon-shik golden wedding
좋네 chon-ne Good!
고려인삼 ko-ryŏ-in-sam Goryeo ginseng
대단해 tae-dan-hae Great!
야채 가게 ya-chae ga-ge greengrocer
인사 in-sa greeting
내빈 nae-bin guest
손님 son-nim guest
광장시장 kwang-jang-shi-jang Gwangjang Market
반값 pan-gap half the amount
회관 hoe-gwan hall
환각제 hwan-gak-tche hallucinogen
사용설명서 sa-yong-sŏl-myŏng-sŏ handbook manual
옷걸이 ot-kkŏ-ri hanger
철물점 chŏl-mul-chŏm hardware store
수고하세요 su-go-ha-se-yo Have a good day.
화를 당하다 hwa-rŭl tang-ha-da have a mishap
위험물 wi-hŏm-mul hazard
건강 kŏn-gang health
건강식품 kŏn-gang-shik-pum health foods
건강 보험 kŏn-gang bo-hŏm health insurance
건강 보험증 kŏn-gang-po-hŏm-tchŭng health insurance card
안녕하세요 an-nyŏng-ha-se-yo Hello
어서 오십시오 ŏ-sŏ o-ship-ssi-o Hello.
하이잭 ha-i-jaek hijacking
취미 chwi-mi hobby
가전제품 ka-jŏn-je-pum home appliances
핫플레이트 hat-pŭl-lei-tŭ hot plate
chip house
대청소 tae-chŏng-so house cleaning
가구 ka-gu household
가계부 ka-gye-bu household ledger
파출부 pa-chul-bu housekeeper
가사 도우미 ka-sa-do-u-mi housekeeper
집안일 chi-ban-nil housework
주택 chu-taek housing
피난장소 pi-nan-jang-so housing
건강하세요? kŏn-gang-ha-se-yo How are you dear
처음 뵙겠습니다 How do you do?
얼마 ŏl-ma how much
나이가 어떻게 되세요? na-i-ga ŏ-ttŏ-ke toe-se-yo How old are you?
가습기 ka-sŭp-kki humidifier
산장 san-jang hut
소화전 so-hwa-jŏn hydrant
미안합니다 mi-an-ham-ni-da I am sorry.
모릅니다 mo-rŭm-ni-da I don't know.
알았어 a-ra-ssŏ I got it.
잘 부탁드립니다 chal pu-tak-ttŭ-rim-ni-da I'll do my best.
죄송합니다 choe-song-ham-ni-da I'm sorry.
죄송해요 choe-song-hae-yo I'm sorry.
죄송하다 choe-song-ha-da I'm sorry.
통화 중 tong-hwa-jung in a call
사건 sa-kkŏn incident
과연 kwa-yŏn indeed
불임 치료 pu-rim chi-ryo infertility treatment
독감 tok-kkam influenza
방충제 pang-chung-je insecticide
즉석카메라 chŭk-ssŏk ka-me-ra instant camera
즉사 chŭk-ssa instantaneous death
들이받다 tŭ-ri-bat-tta interfere
국제 전화 kuk-tche-jŏn-hwa international call
협박자 hyŏp-ppak-tcha intimidator
침입 chi-mip intrusion
프라이버시 침해 pŭ-ra-i-bŏ-shi chim-hae invasion of privacy
초대장 cho-dae-tchang invitation card
다리미 ta-ri-mi iron
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