Finance,word list

All about Korea - Koreanary
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
약정 yak-tchŏng agreement
액수 aek-ssu amount
은행 eun-haeng bank
어음 ŏ-ŭm bill
자본 cha-bon capital
감가상각 kam-kka-sang-gak depreciation
외환 oe-hwan exchange
고금리 ko-gŭm-ni expensive money
만기 man-gi expiration
금융업 kŭ-myung-ŏp financial business
재력 chae-ryŏk financial power
융자 yung-ja financing
FX마진거래 Forex
거액 kŏ-aek fortune
펀드 pŏn-dŭ fund
자금 cha-gŭm funds
보증인 po-jŭng-in guarantor
개인회생 individual rehabilitation
투자 tu-ja investment
고리대금업자 go-ri-dae-geum-eop-ja loan shark
재테크 jae-te-keu money building
사채업 sa-chae-ŏp moneylending business
논뱅크 non-baeng-keu nonbank
사채 sa-chae private loan
이익 i-ik profit
자산 cha-san property
저축 chŏ-chuk saving
유가 증권 yu-kka chŭng-kkwŏn securities
투기 tu-gi speculation
증권 chŭng-kkwŏn stock
주식 chu-shik stock
엔고 en-go strong yen
금액 sum
거래 kŏ-rae trade
엔저 en-jŏ weak yen
자산가 cha-san-ga wealthy person
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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