Marketing,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
착한 가격 cha-kan-ga-gyŏk
개장 kae-jang
광고하다 kwang-go-ha-da advertise
특전 tŭk-tchŏn benefit
지점장 chi-jŏm-jang branch manager
영업시간 yŏng-ŏp-ssi-gan business hours
카탈로그 ka-tal-lo-gŭ catalog
문을 닫다 mu-nŭl tat-tta close
코쿤족 ko-kun-jok Cocoon group
수수료 su-su-ryo commission
소비자 so-bi-ja consumer
무관세 mu-gwan-sse duty-free
수출하다 su-chul-ha-da export
포미족 po-mi-jok For me group
프렌차이즈 pŭ-ren-cha-i-jŭ franchise
이케아 세대 i-ke-a se-dae IKEA generation
수입품 su-ip-pum import
몰링족 mol-ling-jok Malling group
땡처리 ttaeng-chŏ-ri Many things to sell with summarizes the quantity in cheap price, discount stock disposal
상인 sang-in merchant
중저가 chung-jŏ-kka middle-low price
입소문 ip-sso-mun moccasin telegraph
나오미족 na-o-mi-jok Naomi group
틈새 시장 tŭm-sae shi-jang niche market
나우족 na-u-jok Now group
개점하다 kae-jŏm-ha-da open up
가격 인하 ka-gyŏk in-ha price cutting
가격 인상 ka-gyŏk gin-sang price increase
정찰제 chŏng-ch'al-tche price-tag system
선전 sŏn-jŏn propaganda
구매자 ku-mae-ja purchaser
단골손님 tan-gol-son-nim regular customer
정기 휴일 chŏng-gi-hyu-il regular holiday
루비족 ru-bi-jok Ruby group
견본품 kyŏn-bon-pum samples
날개 돋친 듯이 팔리다 nal-gae to-chin tŭ-shi pal-li-da Sell like hot cakes
쉐어슈머 swe-ŏ-syu-mŏ Sharesumer
구멍가게 ku-mŏng-ga-ge small store
견본 kyŏn-bon specimen
스완족 sŭ-wan-jok Swan family
노무족 no-mu-jok That of middle-aged men who try to keep his youth
tip tip
트윈슈머 tŭ-win-syu-mŏ Twinsumer
단가 tan-kka unit cost
자동판매기 cha-dong-pan-mae-gi vending machine
자판기 cha-pan-gi vending machine
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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