work, careers,word list

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work, careers
work, careers
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
채용 chae-yong adoption
연봉제 yŏn-bong-je annual salary scheme
지원하다 chi-wŏn-ha-da apply
서류 전형 sŏ-ryu-jŏn-hyŏng document screening process
입사 시험 ip-ssa shi-hŏm employment examination
경험자 kyŏng-hŏm-ja experienced person
경력자 kyŏng-nyŏk-tcha experienced person
취직하다 chwi-ji-ka-da get a job
신졸 채용 shin-jol-chae-yong graduate recruitment
면접 myŏn-jŏp interview
전직 chŏn-jik job change
취직 활동 chwi-jik hwal-ttong job hunting
취업난 chwi-ŏm-nan jobs crunch
중도 채용 chung-do-chae-yong mid-career recruit
불채용 pul-chae-yong not adopted
열정 페이 yŏl-tchŏng-pe-i Passion Pay
채용하다 chae-yong-ha-da recruit
구인 모집 ku-in-mo-jip recruitment
복직 pok-tchik reinstatement
좌천 relegation
이력서 i-ryŏk-ssŏ resume
자기 분석 cha-gi bun-sŏk self-analysis
자기 계발 cha-gi gye-bal self-improvement
토익 to-ik TOEIC
이직 i-jik turnover
실업 shi-rŏp unemployment
청년 실업률 chŏng-nyŏn shi-rŏm-nyul youth unemployment rate
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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