Accounts,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
회계 hoe-gye accounts
미수금 mi-su-gŭm accrued revenue
녹색신고 nok-ssaek-ssin-go blue return
영업이익 yŏng-ŏm-ni-ik business profits
자기자본비율 cha-gi-ja-bon-bi-yul capital adequacy ratio
세무사 se-mu-sa certified tax accountant
부가세 bu-ga-sse consumption tax
법인세 pŏ-bin-sse corporate tax
경비 kyŏng-bi cost
유동부채 yu-dong-bu-chae current liabilities
손해 son-hae damage
적자 chŏk-tcha deficit
감가상각 kam-kka-sang-gak depreciation
명세서 myŏng-se-sŏ detailed statement
세무소 se-mu-so district tax office
증여세 chŭng-yŏ-sse donation tax
접대비 chŏp-ttae-bi entertainment expenses
지출 chi-chul expenditure
재무 chae-mu financial
결산서 kyŏl-ssan-sŏ financial statements
회계 연도 hoe-gye-yeon-do fiscal year
홈택스 hom-taek-ssŭ Hometax
재고 자산 chae-go-cha-san inventory
고정부채 ko-jŏng-bu-chae long term liability
순이익 su-ni-ik / sun-ni-ik net profit
경상이익 kyŏng-sang-i-ik ordinary profit
손익 계산 so-nik-kkye-san profit and loss
수선비 su-sŏn-bi repairing expenses
매출 mae-chul sales
판촉비 pan-chok-ppi sales promotion expenses
흑자 hŭk-tcha surplus
세무 se-mu tax accounting
절세 chŏl-sse tax avoidance
세무조사 se-mu-jo-sa tax investigation
양도세 yang-do-sse transfer tax
부가 가치세 pu-ga-ka-chi-sse value added tax
재공품 chae-gong-pum work in process
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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