Industry, business,word list

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Industry, business
Industry, business
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
상사 sang-sa
농업 nong-ŏp agriculture
양식업 yang-shi-gŏp aquaculture
중개업 chung-gae-ŏp broker
건축업 kŏn-chu-gŏp building industry
목공 mok-kkong carpentry
업체 ŏp-che category of business
업종 ŏp-tchong category of business
음식업 ŭm-shi-gŏp catering trade
상업 sang-ŏp commerce
건설회사 kŏn-sŏr-hoe-sa Construction company
청부 chŏng-bu contract
창업자금 chang-ŏp-tcha-gŭm development-stage financing
분배 pun-bae distribution
유통업 yu-tong-ŏp distribution industry
경협 kyŏng-hyŏp economic cooperation
금융업 kŭ-myung-ŏp financial business
제1차산업 che-il-cha-sa-nŏp first industry
어업 ŏ-ŏp fishing industry
수산업 su-sa-nŏp fishing industry
임업 i-mŏp forestry
공업 kong-ŏp industry
업계 ŏp-kkye industry
산업 sa-nŏp industry
지식 재산권 intellectual property right
등유 tŭng-yu kerosene
임대업 im-dae-ŏp lease business
제조업 che-jo-ŏp manufacturing industry
광산 kwang-san mine
사채업 sa-chae-ŏp moneylending business
신규 참가 shin-gyu cham-ga new entry
틈새 시장 tŭm-sae shi-jang niche market
니트족 ni-tŭ-jok Not in Education, Employment or Training
사진관 sa-jin-gwan photo studio
이윤 i-yun profit
부동산 업계 real estate agent
요식업 yo-shi-gŏp restaurant business
소매업 so-mae-ŏp retail business
제2차산업 che-i-cha-sa-nŏp secondary industry
서비스업 sŏ-bi-sŭ-ŏp service industry
산업혁명 sa-nŏ-pyŏng-myŏng the industrial revolution
제3차산업 che-sam-cha-sa-nŏp third industry
무역업 mu-yŏ-gŏp trading business
운수업 un-su-ŏp trucking industry
도매업 to-mae-ŏp wholesale business
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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