Occupation,word list

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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
배우 pae-u actor
아나운서 a-na-un-sŏ announcer
건축가 kŏn-chuk-kka architect
건축사 kŏn-chuk-ssa architect
예술가 ye-sul-ga artist
베이비시터 babysitter
은행원 ŭn-haeng-wŏn bank clerk
미용사 mi-yong-sa beautician
사장 sa-jang boss
사육사 sa-yuk-ssa breeder
객실 승무원 kaek-ssil-sŭng-mu-wŏn cabin crew
간병인 kan-pyŏng-in caregiver
세무사 se-mu-sa certified tax accountant
청소부 chŏng-so-bu cleaning man
작곡가 chak-kkok-kka composer
장인 chang-in craftsman
영양사 yŏng-yang-sa dietitian
원장 wŏn-jang director
전문가 chŏn-mun-ga expert
농부 nong-bu farmer
소방사 so-bang-sa firefighter
프리랜서 pŭ-ri-raen-sŏ freelance
전업주부 chŏ-nŏp-tchu-bu full‐time housewife
가사 도우미 ka-sa-do-u-mi housekeeper
교수 kyo-su instruction
통역사 tong-yŏk-ssa interpreter
법조인 pŏp-tcho-in judicial officer
지배인 chi-bae-in manager
경영자 kyŏng-yŏng-ja manager
항해사 hang-hae-sa mate
정비사 chŏng-bi-sa mechanic
모델 mo-del model
네일리스트 ne-il-li-sŭ-t'ŭ nailist
니트족 ni-tŭ-jok Not in Education, Employment or Training
소설가 so-sŏl-ga novelist
간호사 kan-ho-sa nurse
한의사 ha-ni-sa oriental doctor
화가 hwa-ga painter
약사 yak-ssa pharmacist
사진가 sa-jin-ga photographer
조종사 cho-jong-sa pilot
극작가 kŭk-tchak-kka playwright
시인 si-in poet
교수님 kyo-su-nim professor
학자 hak-tcha scholar
과학자 kwa-hak-tcha scientist
비서 pi-sŏ secretary
무당 mu-dang shaman
군인 ku-nin soldier
전문의 chŏn-mu-nŭi specialist
선생님 sŏn-saeng-nim teacher
노마드족 no-ma-dŭ-jok the people who are using the developed network environment
경찰 kyŏng-chal the police
교직원 kyo-ji-gwŏn the teaching staff
직업 chi-gŏp vocation
공돌이 kong-do-ri Words that are referred to by deprecating factory workers, the Department of Student.
공순이 kong-su-ni Words that say it scornfully women factory workers, the schoolgirl of Engineering.
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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