Company and workplace,word list

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Company and workplace
Korean Pronunciation Meaning
회사를 그만두다 hoe-sa-rŭl kŭ-man-du-da
업무상 ŏm-mu-sang
후원사 hu-won-sa
막노동 mang-no-dong
결근하다 kyŏl-gŭn-ha-da absent
승진 sŭng-jin advance
연봉제 yŏn-bong-je annual salary scheme
결재하다 kyŏl-tchae-ha-da approve
종사하다 chong-sa-ha-da attend to
체불 임금 che-bul im-gŭm back payment
도산 to-san bankruptcy
부도 pu-do bankruptcy
파산 pa-san bankruptcy
기본급 ki-bon-kkŭp basic salary
사장 sa-jang boss
지점 chi-jŏm branch
비즈니스 pi-jŭ-ni-sŭ business
사업 sa-ŏp business
장사 chang-sa business
거래처 kŏ-rae-chŏ Business partner
경력 kyŏng-nyŏk career
잡일 cham-nil chore
동료 tong-nyo colleague
합병 hap-ppyŏng combination
상업성 sang-ŏp-ssŏng commercial viability
회사 hoe-sa company
계약서 kye-yak-ssŏ contract
회의 hoe-ŭi convention
협업 hyŏ-bŏp cooperation
주식회사 chu-shik-koe-sa corporation
위기관리 wi-gi-gwal-li crisis management
사퇴 sa-toe declination
직무 유기 ching-mu yu-gi dereliction of duty
갤러리맨 kael-lŏ-ri-maen Employees emotional attachment is thin in the workplace
육이오 yu-gi-o Enemy, When you work up to 62 years old
고용하다 ko-yong-ha-da engage
설립되다 sŏl-lip-ttoe-da establish
창업 chang-ŏp foundation
오포세대 o-po-se-dae Generation to give up five things in the life.
성장 sŏng-jang growth
혁신 hyŏk-ssin innovation
투자하다 tu-ja-ha-da invest
청구서 chŏng-gu-sŏ invoice
부하 직원 pu-ha-ji-gwŏn junior staff
메뉴얼 me-nyu-ŏl manual
육아 휴직 yu-ga-hyu-jik maternity leave
잡무 cham-mu miscellaneous business
고용 계약서 ko-yong-kye-yak-ssŏ offer letter
사무소 sa-mu-so office
사무실 sa-mu-shil office
초과 근무 수당 cho-gwa-gŭn-mu-su-dang overtime pay
잔업 수당 cha-nŏp-ssu-dang overtime pay
급여 kŭ-byŏ pay
급여 삭감 kŭ-byŏ sak-kkam pay cut
연금 yŏn-gŭm pension
코피스족 ko-pi-sŭ-jok People who work in the smartphone and PC coherency shop
성과급 sŏng-kkwa-gŭp performance-related pay
직책 chik-chaek position
실습 shil-ssŭp practice
채산 chae-san profitability
견적서 kyŏn-jŏk-ssŏ quote
오육도 o-ryuk-tto Remaining in the company in the age of more than 56 years old.
사직하다 sa-jik-a-da resign
퇴직하다 toe-ji-ka-da resign
사임 sa-im resignation
이력서 i-ryŏk-ssŏ resume
수입 su-ip revenue
보수 po-su reward
봉급 pong-gŭp salary
월급 루팡 wŏl-gŭm-nu-pang Salary thief
부문 pu-mun sector
퇴직금 toe-jik-kkŭm severance pay
서명 sŏ-myŏng signature
파업 pa-ŏp strike
승계 sŭng-gye succession
조직 cho-jik system
노마드족 no-ma-dŭ-jok the people who are using the developed network environment
사오정 sa-o-jŏng The restructuring to 45 years old
실업자 shi-rŏp-tcha the unemployed
회의주의자 hoeŭijuŭija The word ironic the boss or senior to the meaningless meeting.
무역회사 mu-yŏ-koe-sa trading company
희망퇴직 hŭi-mang-toe-jik voluntary resignation
임금 im-gum wage
찰러리맨 chal-lŏ-ri-maen Who also live in dependence on parents after employment.
The same category :Business
Company work, careers
Duties and positions Accounts
Occupation Industry, business
Hospitality Finance
Economy Company name
Marketing Agriculture
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