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Korean Pronunciation Meaning
부장 pu-jang head of department
안녕하세요 an-nyŏng-ha-se-yo Hello
여기 있습니다 yŏ-gi it-ssŭm-ni-da Here you are.
홈택스 hom-taek-ssŭ Hometax
가사 도우미 ka-sa-do-u-mi housekeeper
현대모비스 hyŏn-dae-mo-bi-sŭ Hyundae Mobis
현기차 hyŏn-gi-cha Hyundai cars and Kia Motors, Hyundai (HYUNDAI) representation to call together the car and Kia (KIA)
현대자동차 hyŏn-dae-ja-dong-cha Hyundai Motor Company
이케아 세대 i-ke-a se-dae IKEA generation
죄송합니다 choe-song-ham-ni-da I'm sorry.
죄송해요 choe-song-hae-yo I'm sorry.
모방품 mo-bang-pum imitation
수입 su-ip import
수입품 su-ip-pum import
소득 격차 so-dŭk kyŏk-cha income differentials
개인회생 individual rehabilitation
산업 sa-nŏp industry
공업 kong-ŏp industry
업계 ŏp-kkye industry
인플레이션 in-pŭl-le-i-syŏn inflation
혁신 hyŏk-ssin innovation
살충제 sal-chung-je insecticide
교수 kyo-su instruction
지식 재산권 intellectual property right
국제통화기금 kuk-tche-tong-hwa-gi-gŭm International Monetary Fund (IMF)
국제 기준 kuk-tche ki-jun international standards
통역사 tong-yŏk-ssa interpreter
면접 myŏn-jŏp interview
재고 자산 chae-go-cha-san inventory
투자하다 tu-ja-ha-da invest
투자 tu-ja investment
청구서 chŏng-gu-sŏ invoice
아이리버 a-i-ri-bŏ iriver
알겠습니다. al-get-ssŭm-ni-da I've got it.
전직 chŏn-jik job change
취직 활동 chwi-jik hwal-ttong job hunting
취업난 chwi-ŏm-nan jobs crunch
법조인 pŏp-tcho-in judicial officer
부하 직원 pu-ha-ji-gwŏn junior staff
등유 tŭng-yu kerosene
기아자동차 ki-a-ja-dong-cha Kia Motors Corporation
한국전력공사 han-guk-tchŏl-lyŏk-kkong-sa Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
노동 no-dong labor
임대업 im-dae-ŏp lease business
LG화학 el-ji-hwa-hak LG Chem, Ltd.
특허 tŭ-kŏ license
고리대금업자 go-ri-dae-geum-eop-ja loan shark
지방세 chi-bang-sse local tax
고정부채 ko-jŏng-bu-chae long term liability
롯데리아 rot-tte-ri-a Lotteria
저소득층 chŏ-so-dŭk-chŭng low-income group
몰링족 mol-ling-jok Malling group
과장 kwa-jang manager
경영자 kyŏng-yŏng-ja manager
지배인 chi-bae-in manager
메뉴얼 me-nyu-ŏl manual
제조업자 che-jo-ŏp-tcha manufacturer
제조업 che-jo-ŏp manufacturing industry
비료 pi-ryo manure
땡처리 ttaeng-chŏ-ri Many things to sell with summarizes the quantity in cheap price, discount stock disposal
항해사 hang-hae-sa mate
육아 휴직 yu-ga-hyu-jik maternity leave
계측기 kye-chŭk-kki measuring instrument
정비사 chŏng-bi-sa mechanic
직원 chi-gwŏn member of the staff
사원 sa-wŏn member of the staff
상인 sang-in merchant
중도 채용 chung-do-chae-yong mid-career recruit
중저가 chung-jŏ-kka middle-low price
광산 kwang-san mine
잡무 cham-mu miscellaneous business
입소문 ip-sso-mun moccasin telegraph
모델 mo-del model
재테크 jae-te-keu money building
사채업 sa-chae-ŏp moneylending business
네일리스트 ne-il-li-sŭ-t'ŭ nailist
나오미족 na-o-mi-jok Naomi group
순이익 su-ni-ik / sun-ni-ik net profit
신규 참가 shin-gyu cham-ga new entry
틈새 시장 tŭm-sae shi-jang niche market
아니요 a-ni-yo no
유목 yu-mok nomadism
논뱅크 non-baeng-keu nonbank
농심 nong-sin NongShim
불채용 pul-chae-yong not adopted
니트족 ni-tŭ-jok Not in Education, Employment or Training
소설가 so-sŏl-ga novelist
나우족 na-u-jok Now group
간호사 kan-ho-sa nurse
양식장 yang-shik-tchang nursery
고용 계약서 ko-yong-kye-yak-ssŏ offer letter
사무실 sa-mu-shil office
사무소 sa-mu-so office
개점하다 kae-jŏm-ha-da open up
과수원 kwa-su-wŏn orchard
경상이익 kyŏng-sang-i-ik ordinary profit
무농약 mu-nong-yak organic vegetables
한의사 ha-ni-sa oriental doctor
생산량 saeng-san-nyang output
초과 근무 수당 cho-gwa-gŭn-mu-su-dang overtime pay
잔업 수당 cha-nŏp-ssu-dang overtime pay
화가 hwa-ga painter
열정 페이 yŏl-tchŏng-pe-i Passion Pay
목초지 mok-cho-ji pasture
급여 kŭ-byŏ pay
급여 삭감 kŭ-byŏ sak-kkam pay cut
연금 yŏn-gŭm pension
코피스족 ko-pi-sŭ-jok People who work in the smartphone and PC coherency shop
성과급 sŏng-kkwa-gŭp performance-related pay
개인 소비 kae-in-so-bi personal consumption
약사 yak-ssa pharmacist
사진관 sa-jin-gwan photo studio
사진가 sa-jin-ga photographer
조종사 cho-jong-sa pilot
극작가 kŭk-tchak-kka playwright
싸인을 부탁합니다. ssa-in-eul bu-tak-am-ni-da. Please sign this.
갈다 kal-da plow
시인 si-in poet
항구 hang-gu port
직책 chik-chaek position
빈곤 pin-gon poverty
실습 shil-ssŭp practice
물가 mul-kka price
가격 인하 ka-gyŏk in-ha price cutting
가격 인상 ka-gyŏk gin-sang price increase
물가지수 mul-kka-ji-su price index
정찰제 chŏng-ch'al-tche price-tag system
사채 sa-chae private loan
가공 ka-gong processing
생산하다 saeng-san-ha-da produce
생산자 saeng-san-ja producer
교수님 kyo-su-nim professor
이윤 i-yun profit
이익 i-ik profit
손익 계산 so-nik-kkye-san profit and loss
채산 chae-san profitability
선전 sŏn-jŏn propaganda
자산 cha-san property
번영 pŏ-nyŏng prosperity
공공투자 kong-gong-tu-ja public investment
구매자 ku-mae-ja purchaser
품질 pum-jil quality
견적서 kyŏn-jŏk-ssŏ quote
부동산 업계 real estate agent
불황 pur-hwang recession
불경기 pul-gyŏng-gi recession
채용하다 chae-yong-ha-da recruit
구인 모집 ku-in-mo-jip recruitment
단골손님 tan-gol-son-nim regular customer
정사원 chŏng-sa-wŏn regular employee
정기 휴일 chŏng-gi-hyu-il regular holiday
복직 pok-tchik reinstatement
좌천 relegation
오육도 o-ryuk-tto Remaining in the company in the age of more than 56 years old.
수리 su-ri repair
수선비 su-sŏn-bi repairing expenses
퇴직하다 toe-ji-ka-da resign
사직하다 sa-jik-a-da resign
사임 sa-im resignation
요식업 yo-shi-gŏp restaurant business
이력서 i-ryŏk-ssŏ resume
소매업 so-mae-ŏp retail business
수입 su-ip revenue
보수 po-su reward
벼농사 pyŏ-nong-sa rice cultivation
논농사 non-nong-sa rice farming
non rice paddy field
루비족 ru-bi-jok Ruby group
봉급 pong-gŭp salary
월급 루팡 wŏl-gŭm-nu-pang Salary thief
매출 mae-chul sales
판촉비 pan-chok-ppi sales promotion expenses
견본품 kyŏn-bon-pum samples
삼성전자 sam-sŏng-jŏn-ja Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
삼성중공업 sam-sŏng-jung-gong-ŏp Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
저축 chŏ-chuk saving
학자 hak-tcha scholar
과학자 kwa-hak-tcha scientist
바다낚시 pa-da-nak-ssi sea fishing
하반기 ha-ban-gi second half
제2차산업 che-i-cha-sa-nŏp secondary industry
비서 pi-sŏ secretary
간사 kan-sa secretary
부문 pu-mun sector
유가 증권 yu-kka chŭng-kkwŏn securities
또 만나요 tto man-na-yo See you again.
종자 chong-ja seed
자기 분석 cha-gi bun-sŏk self-analysis
자기 계발 cha-gi gye-bal self-improvement
날개 돋친 듯이 팔리다 nal-gae to-chin tŭ-shi pal-li-da Sell like hot cakes
서비스업 sŏ-bi-sŭ-ŏp service industry
퇴직금 toe-jik-kkŭm severance pay
무당 mu-dang shaman
쉐어슈머 swe-ŏ-syu-mŏ Sharesumer
점장 shop manager
sap shovel
서명 sŏ-myŏng signature
낚싯봉 nak-ssi-ppong sinker
SK텔레콤 e-sŭ-ke-i-tel-le-kom SK Telecom Co., Ltd.
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